Im having a little trouble with a program i am writing. I have a class heirarchy:

--> SimpleProject
--> MinorProject

and another class:

Now task has a pointer to a Project object in it's private section of the class definition.

Here is Task.h

#ifndef TASK_H
#define TASK_H

// forward declaration
class Project;

class Task

	Task(const Task & t);
	Task(int, const Project &);	

	void DoIt();

	Task & operator=(const Task & other);
	friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os,
									 const Task & t);
	friend bool operator==(const Task & left,
						   const Task & right);
	friend bool operator!=(const Task & left,
						   const Task & right);

	int id;
	Project *pp;


Now i want the Project *pp pointer to point to a derived class of Project (SimpleProject, MinorProject).

I defined the constructors of Task like this (Task.cpp):

* Default Constructor
	// do nothing

* Constructor with id and reference to project.
Task::Task(int in_id, const Project & in_pp)
	*pp = in_pp; // is this wrong?
	id = in_id;

* Copy Constructor.
Task::Task(const Task & orig)
	id =;	
	pp = orig.pp;

Of so the id is getting set but for some reason the pp pointer is not being set. It is always the same memory address for each pp pointer even if i create more than on instance of the class. Do i have to dynamically create the Project that pp is pointing to in the constructors? But if i do that then i will have to know what type of project it is.

My main file is:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

#include "Task.h"
#include "SimpleProject.h"
#include "MinorProject.h"
#include "MajorProject.h"

int main()
	SimpleProject *sp1 = new SimpleProject();
	SimpleProject *sp2 = new SimpleProject(*sp1);
	SimpleProject *sp3 = new SimpleProject(*sp1);
	Task *t1 = new Task(1, *sp1);
	Task *t2 = new Task(2, *sp2);
	Task *t3 = new Task(*t1);


	cout << *sp1 << endl;
	cout << *sp2 << endl;
	cout << *sp3 << endl;

	cout << (*sp1 == *sp2) << endl;

	delete sp1;
	delete sp2;
	delete sp3;

	return 0;
The only thing that is not working is the pp pointer in Task obejcts.
Can anyone help me out?