Hello all,

I have created a dynamic matrix class. I overloaded the multiplication operator as follows:

Matrix Matrix::operator*(const Matrix &another) const //'const' keyword after => doesn't
{														//modify data members
	if (col != another.row)
		cout<<"Error in matrix multiplication. Matrix dimensions do not agree."<<endl;
		return *this;

	Matrix prod(row,another.col);
	Complex sum(0,0);

	for(int i=0; i<row; i++)		//i: 0 to 3
		sum = 0;
		for(int j=0; j<another.col; j++)	//j: 0 to 2
			for(int k=0; k<row; k++)
				sum = sum + A[k] * another(k,j);
			//cout<<"prod("<<i<<","<<j<<") = "<<sum<<endl;
			prod(i,j) = sum;
	return prod;
I wanted to do it in such a way that I could do this:

Matrix A(5,5), B(5,1);
//define the matrices
cout<<A*B<<endl;   //I overloaded the cout operator as well
Just for the record, I created a complex number class, and I have defined a similar function:

Complex Complex::operator +(const Complex &num) const
	Complex sum;
	sum.real = real + num.real;
	sum.imag = imag + num.imag;
	return sum;				
When I do

Complex a(1,1), b(2,-2);
The destructor is called AFTER it is displayed. But this does not work for the Matrix class, and I just can't figure out why. I thought I would save you all the trouble of going through all the code by only displaying what is pertinent. If you need all the code, pls let me know. Thanks a million.
