Hey guys, I'm new to programming, and to this board also. I bought a few books to get me started on learning C++, including C++ Game Programming for beginners, C++ Primer by Lippman, the C++ Reference book by the creator of C++, and another one by Jousettis...I'm not sure about the name. Well, I was going through the C++ Primer book first, as people told me it was the best book to learn C++ from, but the exercises on every section seemed difficult. So, I switched to the C++ Game Programming for beginners book, and I'm also stuck with one of the practice questions at the end of the chapter.

My first question is, should I learn from the C++ Game Programming book, or the C++ Primer book?

And also, the question that I was having trouble with in the C++ Game Programming book was how to make a Guess My Number game, where the user inputs the number, while the computer guesses it?

Thanks, Kai