Hello, I've recently taken on interest in C++, planning to start college and eventually aim for CS degree. Anyways, I've been checking out the tutorials and I have been trying to write a simple code using Boolean Operators.

I kind of understand the concept but there are no actual examples in the tutorials with Boolean Operators so I'm having a tough time with this code:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int a;
    cout<<"I am thinking of a number from 1 to 15.\n";
    cin>> a;
    if ( a == 3 && 7  ){
         cout<<"That is correct!";
    else if ( a == !(3 && 7)  ){
         cout<<"Try again.";
When I input 3 it recognizes as TRUE but if I input 7 or any other number, I don't neither of the IF or ELSE IF statements.