I made this script to start a program:

#include <iostream.h>
#include <windows.h>

using namespace std;

struct exec
  char path[];
  char par[];
  char dir[];

void execute (exec *x)

  HINSTANCE hRet = ShellExecute(
    HWND_DESKTOP, //Parent window
    "open",       //Operation to perform
    x->path,       //Path to program
    x->par,         //Parameters
    x->dir,         //Default directory
    SW_SHOW);     //How to open

  if((LONG)hRet <= 32)
    cout << "Wrong directory!!" << endl;

int main()
  cout << "Starting firefox..." << endl;
  exec pars = {"C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe", "", ""};

  return 0;
No errors (Win XP, Borland), but when I execute the file, it couts:
"Wrong directory!". What am I doing wrong??