You know how the little programs you do for fun sometimes just leave you tearing your hair out? Here's my broken program - I think it's something to do with undefined floats, but... well you'll have to look. It totals things as 5.2412 exponential to some number, or 2.4359 exponential again and so on... grrr

//program to compute the average of n numbers
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   cout << "*****************Compute Averages**********************\n"
        << "**********input a zero to total them all up**********\n";

   int num[100], count, total;
   int done = 1;
   int total_count = 0;  //num[100] is array of the numbers, count current array index
   float average;    //the average

   for(done = 1; done == 1; total_count++)
      cout << "Number: ";
      cin >> num[total_count];
      //if the number does not eq zero, continue
      if(num[total_count] == 0)
         done = 0;

   for(count = 0; count <= total_count; count++)
      total += num[count];

   average = total/total_count;

   cout << "Average: " << average << "\n";
