I'm experimenting with new Portable C++ Component Library using classes for HTTP connection.
HTTP connecting works fine, but I have problems sending data using get/post method. I'm trying to send login data to my site using post method, but Apache doesn't receive them in correct format. Message header is corrupted, some weird symbols occurs.

// making connection and sending parameters
    HTTPClientSession session("mysite.com");
    HTTPRequest req(HTTPRequest::HTTP_POST, "/console/index.php");
    req.set("username", "karas");
    req.set("password", "blabla");

    HTTPResponse resp;
    istream& rs =  session.receiveResponse(resp);
    StreamCopier::copyStream(rs, cout);// prints response message body
  catch (Exception& exc)
    cout << exc.displayText() << endl;
Parameters username and password are sent but there are also symbols in the header which aren't text. Someone has idea what could be wrong: is it library, bad data encoding, something else?
Thanks in advance.