this is filling in the input fields after it where i have the passwords at.

//This program written by Dan Kemper
//This is a bank program

//Includes Header Files
#include <conio.h>
#include <iostream>	
#include <fstream>	
#include <iomanip>
#include <windows.h>
#include <cctype>	

//Required for cout
using namespace std;	

int main ()
   //Declares variables
   char FirstName[20]; //first name
   char LastName[30]; //last name
   char Password; // password to get into registered users info
   char PW; //gets password from dat file to compare
   char User; //if person is registered or new
   char Print; //prints to textfile when told to
   float Balance; //balance when opening account
   float Deposits; //deposits
   float Withdrawls; //withdrawls
   float NewBalance; //balance after withdrawls and deposits are done. number thats saved into textfile for next time opened as 'balance'
   //Outputs to screen
   cout << "       AAA         TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT  MMMMM             MMMMM\n";
   cout << "      AAAAA        TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT  MMMMMM           MMMMMM\n";
   cout << "     AAA AAA            TTTTTT      MMM MMM         MMM MMM\n";
   cout << "    AAA   AAA           TTTTTT      MMM  MMM       MMM  MMM\n";
   cout << "   AAAAAAAAAAA          TTTTTT      MMM   MMM     MMM   MMM\n";
   cout << "  AAAAAAAAAAAAA         TTTTTT      MMM    MMM   MMM    MMM\n";
   cout << " AAA         AAA        TTTTTT      MMM     MMM MMM     MMM\n";
   cout << "AAA           AAA       TTTTTT      MMM      MMMMM      MMM\n";
   cout << "\nThis is a bank program.\n";
   cout<<"\nPress [ENTER] to continue...\n";
   cout << "Are you a registered user (A), or would you like to make an account (B)? ";
   User = toupper(User); //Makes uppercase automatically
   if (User=='a' || User=='A')
                 ifstream infile; //declares file pointer named infile
       "passwords.dat",ios::in); //opens dat file which has password in it
                 infile.get(PW); //gets password from file
                 cout << "First Name: ";
                 cin >> FirstName;
                 cout << "\nLast Name: ";
                 cin >> LastName;
                 cout << "\nPassword: ";
                 cout << PW; 
                 if (Password==PW)
                                         cout << "Balance: " << Balance;
                                         cout << "\n\nDeposits: ";
                                         cin >> Deposits;
                                         cout << "\n\nWithdrawls: ";
                                         cin >> Withdrawls;
                                         cout << "\n\nNew Balance: " << NewBalance;
                                         cout << "\n\n" << FirstName << " " << LastName << ", is all the above information correct (Y/N)? ";
                                         cin >> Print;
                 if (Password!=PW)
                                         cout << "\n\nThat was the incorrect password!\a\a\a";
                                         return 0;

    if (User=='b' || User=='B')
                      cout << "First Name: ";
                      cin >> FirstName;
                      cout << "\nLast Name: ";
                      cin >> LastName;
                      cout << "\nPick Your Password: ";
                      cout << "\nDeposits: ";
                      cin >> Deposits;
                      cout << "\nBalance: ";
                      cout << setiosflags (ios::fixed) << setprecision(2) << Deposits ;
                      cout << "\n\n" << FirstName << " " << LastName << ", is all the above information correct (Y/N)? ";
                      cin >> Print;


    if (Print=='y' || Print=='Y') 
                            ofstream outfile ("Bank.txt");
                            outfile << "Name: " << FirstName << " " << LastName;
                            outfile << "\nPassword: *******";
                            outfile << "\n\nDeposits: " << Deposits;
                            outfile << "\nBalance: " << Deposits;
                            outfile << "\nThank you!";
                            ofstream  pwfile ("Passwords.dat");
                            pwfile << Password;
                            cout << "\n\nThank You!\a";
    if (Print=='n' || Print=='N')
                            cout << "Okay well then your going to have to restart, sorry.\a";
                            cout << "\n\nThank You!\a";
    NewBalance = Balance + Deposits - Withdrawls;
   //Stops program until button is pressed
   return 0;

also i would liek to know if theres a way i can use the persons name (which the enter) to name the outfiles so each new user would have there own files

thanks for the help