I am trying to write a program, but in order to see the end result, I need my program to pause at the end and preferable to use enter to exit.

I have cin.get() at the end...but it's not working...this is copied right out of my text and it even doesn't work correctly. Sorry for the sloppy programming, but I just plugged this in to see if it would work and it doesn't stop. I have GOT to have it stop at the end to see if my calculations that the program that I am working on is correct.

Any/all help appreciated. And please, nothing complicated..this is for class and he'll know I jumped ahead.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main()
	int partNumber;
	int quantity;
	float unitPrice;
	float totalPrice;

	cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);

	cout <<"prt #" << endl;
		cin >> partNumber;

	cout << "qty ordered" << endl;
	   cin >> quantity;

	   cout << "unit price" << endl;
	    cin >> unitPrice;

	   totalPrice = quantity * unitPrice;

                 cout << "part" << partNumber << ", quantity" <<    quantity << ", at $" << unitPrice << "each" << endl;
	cout << "totals $ " << totalPrice << endl;

		return 0;
