This is relating to computer architecture and solidifying my understanding from the perspective of a programmer.

Sorry about this, but I'm going to start with a quick review of how I understand computers to work in case anyone finds an error in what I know. My goal here is to connect every level of the computer so I better understand and appreciate programming. (C++->ASM->Actual electronic signals(binary))

I understand thus far that electric currents either flow or do not flow. From there we get a Signal(1) or No signal(0) which the processor interprets the Signal or No signal as either a 1 or a 0 and stores this value in (I could be wrong here) a random area of System Memory in groups of 8 digits. These groups of 8 digits are stored consecutively and I assume are Mod 8? and interpreted by the OS?

I read that the BIOS is only responsible for intial start up meaning the OS would be directectly interpreting memory for instructions? I'm not even certian for how the binary information is transferred from CPU->Memory. Is the the natural flow of electricity passing through the CPU? and it's natural course happends to be memory? How are instructions then executed? What actually is and "execution" on the level of electricity being interpreted in to an action which we see on screen.

What about a CPU is actually "interpretting" a "Signal or Not", how are Interrupts actually interpretted by the CPU and what knows to tell the CPU that there is an instruction to be processed?

Do you guys see the level of understanding I want to achieve here? It's absolutely insane how seemingly informative anything I find on the internet is, but in actuality it's useless to me.

So could someone really please help me out here and tell me where to go to completely understand the path and life of an electronic signal in a computer. I feel like there is a "secret" world within computers and it's driving me crazy. I only find bits(lol pun) and pieces everywhere for what I want to know, never the entire story.

Someone tell me I'm not crazy and that there is a book or something somewhere for me.
