I created an XOR true table using some of my old C language knowledge,

I showed my tutor and he said that creating such a table is considered redundent, but others argue it can be used to inplement C++'s flexability.

Here is the coce... What do you guys think about my tutors comment and the argument in general?

Personally, I think it is rather helpful.

#include <iostream>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

// main function

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	bool p, q;

	p = true;
	q = true;

	cout << p << " XOR " << q << " is " <<
		 ( ( p || q ) && !( p && q ) ) << "\n";

	p = false;
	q = true;

	cout << p << " XOR " << q << " is " <<
		 ( ( p || q ) && !( p && q ) ) << "\n";

	p = true;
	q = false;

	cout << p << " XOR " << q << " is " <<
		 ( ( p || q ) && !( p && q ) ) << "\n";

	p = false;
	q = false;

	cout << p << " XOR " << q << " is " <<
		 ( ( p || q ) && !( p && q ) ) << "\n";

	getchar();	// freeze output

	return 0;	// indicatres sucsessful termination