Hello all:

I am learning a calculation method named mosek in c-format.
The c software I am using is MS vc6.0. The mosek program can work in the DOS interface all right.

Say an c-code abc.c, after starting vc6 enviroment in one DOS box, just type:

cl -DMSKDLL abc.c -I mosek.h mosek3_0.lib

The program will pass the compiling and linking and out the results.

I tried this mosek program to run in vc6 it's own beautful color window interface, but failed.

I draw the mosek.h and mosek3_0.lib into the same fold of abc.c and add #include"mosek.h" in the program. When do the compiling, it passed successfully. When do the building abc.exe, it give ERRORS of "unresolved external symbol " such as:

abc.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _ MSK_maketask

It seems the program can not find the "mosek3_0.lib"

Could anyone tell me the way to solve this problem?!