Okay, So the Manager template class needs to push_back a type resource_t.. that would be fine and dandy if I could get the Resource_Manager class with the Manager template in it to have the right type! Let me post code to explain my point further..

#pragma warning(disable: 4786)

#include <vector>
#include "MS3D.H"
#include <map>

class Resource_Cache // The "containers" and their data structures
friend class Resource_Manager;
	struct	MS3DModelRenderData
		float Position[3]; // will be changed to vectors eventually
		float Orientation[3];
		MS3DModel *pModel;

	std::vector<MS3DModelRenderData*> MS3DModels; // holds pointers to all MS3D Models

	bool Add_MS3DModel_To_Cache(std::string & Filename); // loads a milkshape model to the cache


template < typename resource_t >
class Manager					// container managers
	Resource_Cache Global_Cache;
    std::map< std::string , resource_t* > Resources;


    bool Check_Existance( const std::string & filename );

	void Return_Resource_Reference( const std::string & filename )
		std::map< std::string , resource_t* >::iterator entry = Resources.find( filename );
		if ( entry != Resources.end() ) // if the entry is found

	virtual ~Manager( void )
		std::map< std::string ,  resource_t * >::iterator destroyer, end;
		for ( destroyer = Resources.begin() , end = Resources.end() ; destroyer != end ; ++destroyer ) 
			delete destroyer->second;


class Resource_Manager	// Global Manager
    Manager<MS3DModel> Models;  <---- needs to be of type MS3DModelRenderData   
	std::string get_extension(std::string Filename);


	void Add_Resource(std::string & Filename)
		if (get_extension (Filename ) == "ms3d")
			if (Models.Check_Existance( Filename ) == true )
				Models.Return_Resource_Reference( Filename );
			//	GlobalResources.Add_MS3DModel_To_Cache(Filename);

The problem with the bolded statement in that code is, well, the manager template class uses an Instance of Resource_Cache, which is GlobalCache...

Now I just can't declare another Global_Cache in Resource_Manager, I'd be trying to work with two different instances of the same thing, that's no good..

How do I keep it so I'm still working with Manager's GlobalCache but make it so I can template Global_Cache.MS3DModelRenderData...

Do I need to do like.. Manager::Global_Cache.MS3DModelRenderData ???

Here is the error btw..

--------------------Configuration: Resource_Manager - Win32 Debug--------------------
c:\documents and settings\jonathan\my documents\c++ programming\resource_manager\resource_manager.h(40) : error C2664: 'push_back' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'class MS3DModel *' to 'struct Resource_Cache::MS3DModelRenderData *const & '
        Reason: cannot convert from 'class MS3DModel *' to 'struct Resource_Cache::MS3DModelRenderData *const '
        Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast
        c:\documents and settings\jonathan\my documents\c++ programming\resource_manager\resource_manager.h(36) : while compiling class-template member function 'void __thiscall Manager<class MS3DModel>::Return_Resource_Reference(const class std::ba
sic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &)'
c:\documents and settings\jonathan\my documents\c++ programming\resource_manager\resource_manager.h(40) : error C2664: 'push_back' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'class MS3DModel *' to 'struct Resource_Cache::MS3DModelRenderData *const & '
        Reason: cannot convert from 'class MS3DModel *' to 'struct Resource_Cache::MS3DModelRenderData *const '
        Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast
        c:\documents and settings\jonathan\my documents\c++ programming\resource_manager\resource_manager.h(36) : while compiling class-template member function 'void __thiscall Manager<class MS3DModel>::Return_Resource_Reference(const class std::ba
sic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &)'
Error executing cl.exe.
Creating browse info file...

Resource_Manager.exe - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Hellpp please..