ok, i am working on a prime number generator/counter (gee, bet ya haven't heard that one today....), i have most of my code written however, except for some of the math, in as much, i want to find super large primes. in order to do this, i need to either do one of two things, 1) write my own math header file, it would be a pain in the arse, but doable.
2) change the word size of an int to 32 bit to say 128 bit, or larger.
now i did find out from delorie.com that i can change some variables in machine.h/.c (gcc 3.4) which would change the word length, but with this supersized numbers, would that still be possible since i am only running a 32 bit processor since 64bit math is emulated?

my questions:
So does anyone know how to do so?
is it possible to change the word size dynamically? i dont want to waste 128 bits to show that 3 is a prime number.

i am running linux so if need be, i can change the enviroment arround a little, but i would rather not if possible.

any help is appreciated, any usefull help is much appreciated.