(Borland C++ Free command Line Compiler)

Ok, I have tried every make and measure to get this bloody program to work... I'm working through the forgers tutorial and have been stumped for a few days how to add a .rc or .res file. I tried #pragma resource, I tried #include, doesnt work. So, my last option seems to be compiling via makefile.

I have my makefile (Make.mak) and now I want to compile using its options. This makefile code was taken from the forger, and I only changed the first six lines, sence I have no idea what language this is in:

APP      = Forgers
EXEFILE  = $(APP).exe
OBJFILES = $(APP).obj 

BCC32   = bcc32
ILINK32 = ilink32
BRC32   = brc32

CFLAGS  = -c -tWM- -w -w-par -w-inl -W -a1 -Od
LFLAGS  = -aa -V4.0 -c -x -Gn
RFLAGS  = -X -R 
STDOBJS = c0w32.obj
STDLIBS = import32.lib cw32.lib


   del *.obj *.res *.tds *.map
Ok, now I want my compiler to recognize this as the options. But... How? It doesnt like:

BCC32 [C:\make.mak] C:\Forgers.cpp
BCC32 [make.mak] C:\forgers.cpp
BCC32 make.mak C:\forgers.cpp
BCC32 [-C:\make.mak] C:\forgers.cpp
BCC32 C:\make.mak C:\forgers.cpp

All of my attempts at compiling have failed, I'm literaly pulling my hair out. I read through pritty much all of borlands help, but I cant find how to use makefiles to compile this program >.<.

Thank you in advance !! !! !! !! !! !! !! Alot!!!