Thread: Segmentation Fault when Calling Functions

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Segmentation Fault when Calling Functions

    When I run the following code I get a segmentation fault.
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    typedef int* IntPointer;
    void notsneaky(IntPointer temp);
    void sneaky(IntPointer temp);
    void sneakybutnotsneaky(IntPointer& temp);
    int main()
    IntPointer p;
    	p = new int;
    	*p = 77;
    	cout<<"Before call to function *p == "
               << *p << endl;
           cout<<"After call to \"notsneaky\" function *p == "
               << *p << endl;
           cout<<"After call to \"sneaky\" function *p == "
               << *p << endl;
           cout<<"After call to \"sneaky_but_notsneaky\" function *p == "
               << *p << endl;
            return 0;
    void notsneaky(IntPointer temp)
          int *ptr;
    	temp = ptr;
    	cout<<"Inside the function call *temp == "
    void sneaky(IntPointer temp)
    	*temp = 99;
    	cout<<"Inside the function call *temp == "
    void sneakybutnotsneaky(IntPointer& temp)
          int *ptr;
    	temp = ptr;
    	cout<<"Inside the function call *temp == "
    Here is the output:
    thetinman@computer:~/code$ ./a.out
    Before call to function *p == 77
    Inside the function call *temp == 23
    After call to "notsneaky" function *p == 77
    Inside the function call *temp == 99
    After call to "sneaky" function *p == 99
    Segmentation fault
    Does anyonone know what is causing this segmentation fault? How should I go about fixing it?

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    void notsneaky(IntPointer temp)
          int *ptr;
    You are attempting to dereference an uninitialized pointer.

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