Hello everyone,

I am currently in the process of developing an engine that will revolutionize the text game development industry. I am talking about a 3D Text only Rendering engine which will include what developers have come to expect from any other regular 3D Engine plus so much more. Such things as physics, light and shading, are all planned in this project. I need your help however so I can make it as good as it needs to be.

Aside the usual 3D Engine things you can expect to find, I'd like to know what else I could include that would make things easier for the developers that would add an extra notch to the players that will be playing the games created with this engine.

If you could take the time to answer some or all (prefereably :-) of the questions below, I would greatly appreciate it.

What do you think of such a project?

How would you think you'd use such an engine? For what type of game/program?

Is there any language you'd specifically like this engine to work with?

Is there a tool and/or accessory you'd possibly like to have, to use this engine? (for example, a Text 3D world generator or something)

Is there a technique you would like me to use over another? Modular programming over OOP, or vice versa?

Is there A certain 3D Rendering based feature that you would really like to see present in the project? (for example, perhaps a file import, a specific 3D calculation or conversion and the likes).

I believe that from the answers I'll get to these questions I'll be much better equipped to deliver an engine that will be the best it possibly can.

Hoping to hear some very interesting replies so I can give myself an even more precise image of what I have to do next.

Thank you all, in advance for any and all cooperation in this.
