Thread: C++ Book Recommendations

  1. #1
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    C++ Book Recommendations

    Use this thread to recommend books on C++. Please include a description of what this is book is good for, and not good for, etc...

    UPDATE by webmaster--below is a list of the most commonly recommended books in this thread
    Jumping into C++, Alex Allain (creator of Well...this book hadn't been released when the thread was active, but if you like, I highly recommend it! ;-)
    Accelerated C++: Practical Programming by Example, Koenig and Moo
    The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference, Josuttis
    Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days, Liberty and Jones
    Modern C++ Design, Alexandrescu
    C++ Primer, Lippman, Majoie, and Moo
    C++ Primer Plus, Prata
    Thinking in C++, Eckel
    C++ Without Fear, Overland

  2. #2
    carry on JaWiB's Avatar
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    The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference by Nicolai M. Josuttis

    Lots of info on the STL. I wouldn't recommend it for beginners, but otherwise it's a great book, especially for reference.
    Last edited by JaWiB; 01-02-2006 at 08:39 PM.
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  3. #3
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    Accelerated C++ by Koenig and Moo: Beginners book that teaches C++ style C++, one of if not the most commonly recommended beginner C++ books. Slightly more advanced and/or accelerated than other beginners books.

    C++ Primer, Fourth Edition (or later) by Lippman, Lajoie and Moo: Comprehensive guide to C++ language].

    Thinking in C++ by Eckel: Freely available online book for beginner/intermediate programmers.

    The C++ Programming Language, Third Edition (or Special Edition) by Stroustrup: The definitive language reference by the language creator. Not particularly suitable for beginners.

    C++ Coding Standards by Sutter and Alexandrescu: Compilation and guide to C++ best practices. Must have for intermediate C++ programmers.

    Anything from Stroustrup's C++ In-Depth series or referenced by C++ Coding Standards, including:

    Design Patterns by Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides
    Effective C++, More Effective C++ and Effective STL by Meyers
    Exceptional C++ and More Exceptional C++ by Sutter

  4. #4
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    Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days, by Jesse Liberty - Beginning book. It's easy to understand and well structured for self-study with questions & exercises at the end of each "day" (chapter), and answers & solutions in the back. WARNING - Some people hate all of the "21-Days" books!

    Programming Windows, by Charles Petzold - This is the book for learning Windows Programming. You need to know standard C or C++ before starting this book.

    The C Programming Language, by Brian W. Kernighan & Dennis Ritchie is a good reference to the C-part of the language. (A complete C reference.)

    And, I second the following recommendations:

    Thinking In C++, by Bruce Eckel - These (2 volumes) make good 2nd C++ books. They cover many C++ topics in depth. ( I think they are supposed to be beginning C++ books for people who already know C.)

    The C++ Programming Language, by Bjarne Stroustrup - This book has some really helpful information in it. But, it is rather difficult to understand. It seems to have been written for advanced Computer Science students who don't know any C++. It is cool owning the book by the creator of C++!

    The C++ Standard Library, by Nicolai M. Josuttis - I believe this a complete reference to the Standard Template Library (not the entire standard library). It makes a good 2nd C++ book if your beginning book doesn't cover the STL.

    The ANSI / ISO C++ Language Standard - The ultimate C++ reference! The only complete printed C++ reference. Of course, this is a very technical document... You're not going to learn how to program in C++ by reading this document. Hard copies are expensive (about $300), but you can download a PDF copy from ANSI for about $20.

    Since there are no complete C++ referrence books, other than the language standard itself, here are a couple of complete online references to Standard C++ :

  5. #5
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    Object Orientated Programming in C++ by Robert Lafore 4th edition is great for novices and good reference for more experienced programmers too. breaks down the fundamentals of C++ programming into easy to understand chapters and includes exercises at the end of each chapter for review.

  6. #6
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    Currently reading "Objects, Abstractions, Data structures and Design using C++", by Koffman and Wolfgang, ISBN 0471467553 (Wiley).

    Very nice book if you know the basics of the language (it won't do more than give a quick refresher on things like what's an int).
    Quickly dives into things like designing class hierarchies and then moves to abstract data structures.

  7. #7
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    I use the dutch translation of C++ Black Book by Steven Holzner.
    It's a good book with a lot of examples.
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  8. #8
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    One Book the I particulary like that hasn't been mentioned yet is Starting out with C++ by Tony Gaddis is an excellent choice for most beginning to intermediate programmers, there are three versions:

    Brief, which like you'd expect is a truncated version of the book.

    From Control Structures through objects, which is basically the standard version.

    And Early Objects which basically covers the same stuff as Control Structures, however puts more emphasis on certain topics and less emphasis on other topics.

  9. #9
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    In front of my computer :)
    Ivor Horton's Beginning C++ is the only one I could find at the library.

    Has anybody else used it, and can I teach myself with it?

  10. #10
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    I'm reading C++ Through Examples by P. Sellapan.

    It belonged to my friend and he gave it to me. It seems kinda old (published in 1995) but it seems quite ok.

    I learned quite a lot from this book.

  11. #11
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    I know it is not a c++ book, but it is a damn good programming book that every hobbist coder needs to read: How To Design Programs. There is a free web version (I actually got the book as a gift btw) If you are a self taught programmer no matter what language you are studying, read this book. The title is preaty self explanitory.

  12. #12
    Registered User stuart_cpp's Avatar
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    The Complete Guide to Programming in C++
    By Jones and Bartlett Computer Science
    A really cool book! Where it lets you do lil exercises that really helps!

  13. #13
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    Brief Version of Staring Out With C++; 4th Edition Update
    By Tony Gaddus and Barret Krupnow
    Very good book for begininers and pros, alike! It is descriptive enough for those who are new to programming, but has pleanty of coding examples for the mored advanced user. An since it is the brief version... It is quick and to the point! I highly recomend it!

  14. #14
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    Well, there are mine recommendations:

    Accelerated C++ Practical Examples:

    C++ Gotchas: Avoiding Common Problems in Coding and Design :

    Thinking in C++ (Bruce Eckel):

    Vol2 (About the STL):

    See u

  15. #15
    C++ Witch laserlight's Avatar
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    C++ Gotchas: Avoiding Common Problems in Coding and Design
    I enjoyed the sequel, C++ Common Knowledge: Essential Intermediate Programming, also by Stephen Dewhurst.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bjarne Stroustrup (2000-10-14)
    I get maybe two dozen requests for help with some sort of programming or design problem every day. Most have more sense than to send me hundreds of lines of code. If they do, I ask them to find the smallest example that exhibits the problem and send me that. Mostly, they then find the error themselves. "Finding the smallest program that demonstrates the error" is a powerful debugging tool.
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