Well... Then everything would be easy and no one would be better at something than others :P
"Downloading wikipedia...."
Well... Then everything would be easy and no one would be better at something than others :P
"Downloading wikipedia...."
Currently research OpenGL
So, I've read the Learning to Program in C++ on this site.
What books should i look for? Beginners, intermediate, ultra pro (I hope not) ?
Currently research OpenGL
Beginner / advanced.
The site introduces a lot of things, but they are merely tutorials and not a complete description of basic things.
I figure you probably know a lot of beginner stuff, but you may lack some.
You can try a little advanced book, and see if you get lost. If you do, you may need a beginner book first.
Thanks ^^ Do you people ever think that you might know too much? :P
Currently research OpenGL
nah, I don't even know what that is :P
And, I really hope not that someone doesn't have some problem with some part of C++ :P
Currently research OpenGL
hello, how do you guys see the C++ how to program by Deitels for beginners and intermidiate programmers?
Last edited by Masterx; 10-29-2008 at 05:41 AM.
I want to know about free resourses.Tell me whether I can download them.
You can try this site: www.freetechbooks.com
This is not a book, but it's still awsome
Teaches you DirectX very efficiently, or so I'm told... But what I've been told, also fails often, but it sure looks awsome, I just have to finish the book I'm reading before getting into that :P
But anyways, good site for DirectX tutorials and stuff
Currently research OpenGL
I really enjoyed Let us C by Kanetkar. But is the C++ one as good? And is there any c++ book (not a reference, more like for learning) covering windows + *nix programming? Thx in advance
Both at once? Unlikely.
However, as separate topics? Probably as sure as there is a sun out planet revolves around.
What they may be called, however, is unknown to me. But I know there have been some Windows programming books been mentioned on the boards. Perhaps the best bet is searching the Windows programming section.
Well, they are included in let us C. But do you think I could use them in C++?
Perhaps. I would not go as far as recommending them. Often, C books do not do well as C++ books due to the difference in the languages.
But they may go as far as to teach you how the OS works and what APIs to use for what, etc. Since the APIs are all C, it may still be something.
I don't know. You would have to try it yourself, or perhaps someone else knows.