Ok, well i have never needed them before and i have done some googling and reading in my C++ book but i dont understand how to implement them. I understand what they are but am still a little confused. After writing this im gonna keep looking, dont get the idea that im being lazy im just confused.

Ok so here is my situation: im making a Tic Tac Toe program, i have been informed that i need to use a minimax tree for the programs AI. I feel that i have a good understanding of minimax trees and now if i understand correctly the only way to implement a minimax tree is through linked lists. I also dont believe there is a standard Linked List definition like there is a standard String or char array one. So if i am interpreting correctly i need to make a class for one. One is provided in my book but i need to know if there is anything that is: A. Simpler or B. Better for my specific need.

I have all of the program ready to go except for the AI so any help you guys can provide would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!