Thread: Problem with Visual C++ ( randomize function )!

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  1. #1
    Registered User marCplusplus's Avatar
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    Problem with Visual C++ ( randomize function )!


    I am trying to compile the following code using Visual C++ 6.
    However, it is returning the following errors:

    error C2065: 'randomize' : undeclared identifier
    error C2065: 'random' : undeclared identifier

    Here's the code:

    #include <iostream.h>
    #include <stdlib.h> // for randomize(), rand
    #include <time.h> // for randomize()
    #include <conio.h> // for getche()

    enum Suit { clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades };

    const int jack = 11; // from 2 to 10 are
    const int queen = 12; // integers without names
    const int king = 13;
    const int ace = 14;

    class card
    int number; // 2 to 10, jack, queen, king, ace
    Suit suit; // clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades
    void init(int n, Suit s) // initialize card
    { suit = s; number = n; }
    void display() // display the card
    if( number >= 2 && number <= 10 )
    cout << number;
    case jack: cout << "J"; break;
    case queen: cout << "Q"; break;
    case king: cout << "K"; break;
    case ace: cout << "A"; break;
    case clubs: cout << 'c'; break;
    case diamonds: cout << 'd'; break;
    case hearts: cout << 'h'; break;
    case spades: cout << 's'; break;
    } // end display()
    }; // end class card

    void main()
    card deck[52]; // deck of cards
    int j = 0; // counts thru deck
    int num; // card number

    cout << endl;
    for(num=2; num<=14; num++) // for each number
    deck[j].init(num, clubs); // set club
    deck[j+13].init(num, diamonds); // set diamond
    deck[j+26].init(num, hearts); // set heart
    deck[j++ +39].init(num, spades); // set spade

    cout << "\nOrdered deck:\n";
    for(j=0; j<52; j++) // display ordered deck
    cout << " ";
    if( !( (j+1) % 13) ) // newline every 13 cards
    cout << endl;

    randomize(); // seed random number generator
    for(j=0; j<52; j++) // for each card in the deck,
    int k = random(52); // pick another card at random
    card temp = deck[j]; // and swap them
    deck[j] = deck[k];
    deck[k] = temp;

    cout << "\nShuffled deck:\n";
    for(j=0; j<52; j++) // display shuffled deck
    cout << " ";
    if( !( (j+1) % 13) ) // newline every 13 cards
    cout << endl;
    getch(); // wait for keypress
    } // end main

    What is the problem? :<
    What may I do to fix it?

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  2. #2
    Registered User Strider's Avatar
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    Probably because there is no randomize or random function. The proper syntax would be this:
    srand(time(0)); // for seed based on current time
    int k = 1 + rand() % 52; // for random number 1 to 52
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  3. #3
    Registered User marCplusplus's Avatar
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    Nov 2001

    Actually, I found it in a book and since it hasn't covered randomize functions yet, it said not to worry about them for now.
    However, it said that they would only work well with the Borland Compiler.

    Thanks once again,
    No matter how much you know, you NEVER know enough.

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