Thread: Stack around variable corrupted?

  1. #1
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    Stack around variable corrupted?

    I think this probably belongs here, since it seems to be an error with my C++, not my interpretation of winsock. However, feel free to move it if I'm wrong.

    Okay, when I run this program, it returns the webpage okay, but I've been having problems once it's finished; it exits with this debug error: Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'stuff' was corrupted.

    Here's the improtant code (the rest is just a house for it)


    #include "greeting.h"
    //this logs the data into a text file
    void WriteToFile(char *stuff)
    ofstream current_file("greeting_log.html", ios::app); //open the file
    current_file << stuff << "\n";
    void ReportError(int errorCode, const char *whichFunc)
    char errorMsg[92]; //character array to hold the message
    ZeroMemory(errorMsg, 92); //automatically null-terminate the string
    //copy the phrase, whichFunc string, and int errorCode into the buffer
    sprintf(errorMsg, "Call to %s returned error %d!", (char *)whichFunc, errorCode);
    int greeting()
    char website[60];
    cout << "What website do you want? ";
    cin >> website;
    WORD sockVersion; //holds the version of winsock in use
    WSADATA wsaData; //queries the version of winsock required
    int nret;   //stores error stuff
    char info[100];
    char stuff[400];
    sprintf(info, "<!--");
    sockVersion = MAKEWORD(1,1); //we need winsock version 1.1
    nret = WSAStartup(sockVersion, &wsaData); //initialise winsock
    sprintf(info, "sockVersion = %ld", nret);
    SOCKET theSocket; //my single socket
    theSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); //initialises the socket
    if(theSocket == NETWORK_ERROR)
     nret = WSAGetLastError();  //mroe detailed error info
     ReportError(nret, "connect()"); //reports error with custom function
     WSACleanup();  //clean up winsock
     return NETWORK_ERROR; //return -1
    sprintf(info, "Socket = %ld", theSocket);
    //host information (well, location)
       LPHOSTENT hostEntry;
    hostEntry = gethostbyname(website);
    sprintf(info, "hostEntry = %s", hostEntry);
    //fill in socket addressing information
       SOCKADDR_IN serverInfo;
    serverInfo.sin_family = AF_INET; //uses TCP/IP protocol suite
    serverInfo.sin_addr = *((LPIN_ADDR)*hostEntry->h_addr_list); //works out all addresses of target
    serverInfo.sin_port = htons(80); //port to connect through
    sprintf(info, "server info filled in");
    nret = connect(theSocket,(LPSOCKADDR)&serverInfo, sizeof(sockaddr));
    if(nret == SOCKET_ERROR)
     nret = WSAGetLastError();  //mroe detailed error info
     ReportError(nret, "connect()"); //reports error with custom function
     WSACleanup();  //clean up winsock
     return NETWORK_ERROR; //return -1
    sprintf(info, "Connect = %ld", nret);
    strcpy(stuff, "GET / \r\n");
    nret  = send(theSocket, stuff, sizeof(stuff) , 0);
    sprintf(info, "send = %ld", nret);
    while(nret != 0)
     strset(stuff, ' ');
     nret = recv(theSocket, stuff, sizeof(stuff), 0);
    MessageBox(0, "done!", "Finished", 0);
    sprintf(info, "-->");
    On a related note, how would I get stuff from subdirectories? I can only seem to get something from the front page of the website (ie. Cheers in advance!

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    This part looks strange to me
    while(nret != 0) {
       strset(stuff, ' ');
       nret = recv(theSocket, stuff, sizeof(stuff), 0);
    I don't think that recv will terminate the received data with '\0'. So if you receive more then one block of data ( that seems to be the purpose of the while loop ) you call strset() on a non terminated string and strset() will write over the bounds of stuff. Think you must not use any string-functions in this part of the code (including Write to File() ) because you will not get any 0-termination from recv.

  3. #3
    the hat of redundancy hat nvoigt's Avatar
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    (char *)whichFunc
    Casting away a const modifier ( especially without any reason ) will get you tarred and feathered where I work.

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  4. #4
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    strcpy(stuff, "GET / \r\n");
    nret = send(theSocket, stuff, sizeof(stuff) , 0);
    sprintf(info, "send = %ld", nret);

    So you copy in 8 characters, then send 400 ?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by nvoigt

    (char *)whichFunc
    Casting away a const modifier ( especially without any reason ) will get you tarred and feathered where I work.
    Good point, I shouldn't have done that... consider it removed

    Zuk - what do I do about it? I mean, surely I need to use it as a string in order to write it to a text file? The thing is, I can actually get the data, but I just get this error. So could I just tell it to WriteToFile() a \0 after the loop, or should I put it into the loop itself?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by timmygee
    Zuk - what do I do about it? I mean, surely I need to use it as a string in order to write it to a text file? The thing is, I can actually get the data, but I just get this error. So could I just tell it to WriteToFile() a \0 after the loop, or should I put it into the loop itself?
    The way you use WriteToFile() and strset() you should have a lot of spaces too many in your outputfile.
    The best thing would be to open the file in binary mode and just write the nr of characters to the file that recv returns.
    Like this
    ofstream  = current_file("greeting_log.html", ios::binary);
    while(nret != 0) {
       nret = recv(theSocket, stuff, sizeof(stuff), 0);
       current_file.write( stuff, nret);
    Ok that might not work exactly this way because you seem to write other things to that file as well. But you should get the idea.
    If you still want to write the received data as string to the file you will have to concatenate the received blocks in memory using memcpy(), append the string terminator and use your WriteToFile() function to write the complete received data to the file.

  7. #7
    Registered User
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    hmmm. but it is outputting into the textfile perfectly okay... I'm not at college right now, but once I get back, I'll try your modifications. That'll be on monday, so meh.

  8. #8
    Registered User
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    Quote Originally Posted by timmygee
    hmmm. but it is outputting into the textfile perfectly okay... I'm not at college right now, but once I get back, I'll try your modifications. That'll be on monday, so meh.
    I cannot test and prove my statements because I do not sit at a windows-box. But what I understand from the documentation recv() does not 0-terminate the received data ( it must not because it can be used to receive binary data as well ). So your call to strset() will fill the memory with spaces until it finds a 0-byte somewhere. In your WriteToFile() function you use strlen() to get the length of the received data witch again just searches for a 0-byte. That's why I think you should have a lot of spaces in your outputfile. ( maybe you just don't see them they are kind of invisible )

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