Thread: Tons of memory leaks

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    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    Tons of memory leaks

    I think this issue belongs on the C++ board and not the Windows board because the problem stems from the vector which is definitely a C++ issue. If the mods disagree feel free to move it.

    I've done a lot of work on my tile editor and I must have done something wrong because now I have a memory leak for every tile in the system. I did not have this before.

    Here is how the system works and I'll post the code that I believe is causing the problem.

    The tiles are managed by CTileManager. This is essentially a wrapper to a vector of CTile(s). All access is through CTileManager. All of CTile(s) members are private and CTileManager is a friend of CTile. This allows me to create a public interface to access and create private objects in the vector.
    I don't want CTile(s) being created by anyone but CTileManager.

    Here is the creation code. This code simply extracts tiles of desired width and height from a bitmap that acts as a palette of the tiles. This allows me to compile the tile bitmaps into one huge image that contains nearly all of the bitmaps for the game.
    And this allows me later to be able to access the bitmap quite easily in DX by simply altering the u and v texture coords instead of constantly switching textures. Eventually I will run out of texture memory in DX, but that solution is for later.

    Here is the code:
    void CTileManager::AddFromImage(CString filename,COLORREF dwTrans)
      //Bail if no init
      if (m_bInitFlag==false) return;
      HGDIOBJ image=::LoadImage(AfxGetInstanceHandle(),
                                LR_LOADFROMFILE | LR_VGACOLOR | LR_DEFAULTSIZE);
      if (image==NULL)
        ::MessageBox(0,filename,"FILE ERROR",0);
      //BMP image on disk
      CDC ImageBitmapDC;
      CBitmap ImageBitmap;
      //Create compatible DC for image
      //Create bitmap
      //Image Bitmap to DC
      BITMAP bmp;
      DWORD dwWidthCounter=0;
      DWORD dwHeightCounter=0;
      DWORD dwImageRight=bmp.bmWidth;
      DWORD dwImageBottom=bmp.bmHeight;
      //Resulting tile image
      CMainFrame *ptrFrame=(CMainFrame *)AfxGetMainWnd();
      CDC *debugDC=ptrFrame->GetActiveView()->GetDC();
      /*CDC TileDC;
      CBitmap TileBitmap;
      DWORD dbugTile=0;
        CDC *TileDC=new CDC();
        CBitmap *TileBitmap=new CBitmap();
        CTile *Tile=new CTile();
        //Create compatible DC for final tile image
        BOOL ok=TileDC->BitBlt(0,0,
        BOOL dok=debugDC->BitBlt(dwWidthCounter,dwHeightCounter,
        if (dwWidthCounter>=dwImageRight)
       } while (dwHeightCounter<dwImageBottom);
    As you can see I'm creating a CBitmap and a CDC object each time I create a tile. I cannot delete the CDC object after I create it because the CDC that is in the vector is the exact same CDC local to this function. My thinking is if I push the CDC to the vector and then delete the CDC later in the destructor code for CTileManager, it should be ok. Deleting the CDC in the above code causes the tiles to all be blank. I can, however, delete the bitmap here but I choose to pass it on to CTileManager so it can also delete the bitmap when it shuts down.

    No matter which approach I take, I always have the same number of memory leaks as tiles. Even each tile attempts to destroy it's own CDC and CBitmap in it's destructor. However, I check to make sure they are valid. According to my code the end result is that the memory should be cleaned up correctly.

    My guess is somehow the bitmaps are never cleaned up? Dunno really. Need some expert advice on this one.

    I do the same thing for CMap and CMapManager and it creates 0 memory leaks. This must be something to do with CBitmap and CDC being Windows GDI objects.

    Perhaps when I SelectObject() to select the bitmap out of the device context, I should have a pointer to the previous bitmap, and then delete that pointer? In my setup SelectObject() should return NULL since there wasn't a bitmap object selected into the DC prior to this function.

    Also notice that ImageBitmapDC and ImageBitmap are created on the stack and so should go out of scope and be cleaned up at the end of the function. This would be done by the compiler.

    Perhaps the solution is to create the bitmap and the CDC inside of the Create() function for CTile. This way I would have more control over what's taking place. The idea here is that I'm prepping the CTile CDC so that it is ready to use. That is, the bitmap for the tile has already been blitted to the DC. This way I can blit the tile to the screen later extremely fast. No selection crapola.


    EDIT: Added a text file that shows what is happening. According to the text file, the tiles I create have the same address as the tiles in the vector. Therefore they are being deleted correctly. Why is MSVC complaining about memory leaks when I create CTile inside of the loop?
    Last edited by VirtualAce; 12-04-2005 at 11:08 AM.

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