Yes this is for my homework.
I am not lazy getting other people to do it for me i am just stuck.

This is the code i have. It sux and has too many errors to even list the errors on my compiler.

I am trying to create two functions to define the x,y and z co-ordinates of a line at its two ends, and store them in a matrix.

Very boring and difficult as I'm new to ++ but my talents lie elsewhere.

Someone who is good with ++ would probably be able to sort this code out in a second.

So someone please help me if anyone feels like it.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()


   double line[2][3];                                        
   double x,y;

   int menu_option;
   printf("Please choose from the menu\n\n");               
   printf("1.\t\tTranslate the line\n");                     
   printf("2.\t\tScale the line\n");                         
   printf("3.\t\tRotate the line\n");
   printf("4.\t\tChange position of L0 (Where P=0)\n");
   printf("5.\t\tChange position of L1 (Where P=1)\n");
   printf("6.\t\tEvaluate a point on the line\n");
   printf("7.\t\tExit the program\n\n");
   printf("Enter your choice here\n\n\n");
   scanf("%lf", &menu_option);                               


//Function defining 1st point of array

   void enteringp1(int [0][0], int [0][1], int [0][2]);
   printf("Please enter the set of co-ordinates for the first point, P1, separated by spaces.\n\n");
   scanf("%lf %lf %lf", &[0][0] &[0][1] &[0][2]); 
   printf("\n\nThe co-ordinates for the first point, P1 are\t\t %lf,  %lf,  %lf\n\n" [0][0] [0][1] [0][2]);


  //Function defining 2nd of the array 

   void enteringp2(int [1][0], int[1][1], int [1][2]);
   printf("Please enter the set of co-ordinates for the second point, P2, seperated by spaces.\n\n");
   scanf("%lf %lf %lf", &[1][0] &[1][1] &[1][2]);
   printf("\n\nThe co-ordinates for the second point, P2 are\t\t %lf,  %lf,  &lf\n\n" [1][0] [1][1] [1][2]);
