Hi, I am a beginner to programming, i've done a couple of the tutorials and things and i find them quite simple, so i am going to try to make my own small program to test.

You can download the kind of program i am trying to make, its a really small file and takes about 8 secs to download if you are using cable.

What i want to make...

It works with Yahoo Pool, it shows a aim path from the ball to pocket so its easier to play. kind of a cheat but for my first small program id like to try this out.

Yahoo Pool

you need a yahoo account to sign in a play.

I just want to know, what language would be the best to make a basic program like this, and is there anywhere to teach me a little bit more that would help with this small project.

if anyone has made one and has the source code and willing to let me have it to learn of, i would really appreciate it.

please let me know.

Thanks alot, Psy.