ok so here is where i put the bool function in.


//adds the iostream library to the program
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define BOOL_H
#include <limits>
#undef false
#undef true
//informs the compiler you are using the standard library set
using namespace std;

const int LOW = 1;
const int HIGH = 6;
int firstDie;
int secondDie;
int x;
int Choice;
int yes;
int no;
bool getRoll;

Variables to hold random values
for the first and the second die on
each roll.

int main()    

   time_t seconds;
   srand((unsigned int) seconds);
   for( x = 1; x<=5; ++x )
      cout << "Round 1 \n";
      cout << "Would you like to roll this round? [1 for yes, 0 for no]:\n\n";
      cin >> Choice;
    if (Choice == 0) {}
          firstDie = (rand() % ((HIGH - LOW) + 1) + LOW);
          secondDie = (rand() % ((HIGH - LOW) + 1) + LOW);
          cout << "you rolled a " << firstDie << "and a " << secondDie << endl;
    }// end of for loop
   return 0;
bool getRoll(firstDie,secondDie)
     char input;
     cout << "Roll dice? " << endl;
     cin >> input;
     input = 1 || 0;
     if(input == 1) return true;
     else return false;
i don't know how to use bool functions in code...