Hello all, im extremely new to C++ and im currently just trying to practice writing basic programs but i have come up with a problem:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
	int convert;
	char letter;

	cout << "Enter a Character: ";
	cin >> letter; 
	convert = (int) letter;	
	cout << letter << " in ASCII is: " << convert << endl;
	return 0;
I would like the program to stop exiting the cmd window when it has finished so that i can see the results, ive tried the cin.get(); method but it doesnt seem to work.

I would also like a new line that seperates "Enter a Character" and "in ASCII is" because they currently show up under one another but i want a blank space in between the two sentences (i hope you understand what i mean), ive tried the "\n" and endl; commands but they dont work

thanks for any help in these two matters