I'm trying to find the grand total from two totals inside a loop. I'm getting some crazy numbers. Any help would be great. Thanks.

        installCost = yards * 5;
        carpCost = yards * carpPrice;
        totalCost = installCost + padCost + carpCost;
        //Calculate Grand Totals
        //yards = totalYards;
      //  totalInstall = installCost;
    //    totalPad = padCost;
  //      totalCarp = carpCost;
//        grandTotal = totalCost;
        totalYards += yards;
        totalInstall += installCost;
        totalPad += padCost;
        totalCarp += carpCost;
        grandTotal += totalCost;
        //Display output 
        cout << "Room " << roomCount << " installation = $" << installCost << endl;
        cout << "Room " << roomCount << " Padding Cost = $" << padCost << endl;
        cout << "Room " << roomCount << " Carpet Cost = $" << carpCost << endl;
        cout << "Room " << roomCount << " Total Cost = $" << totalCost << endl;

    //Display Grand Totals
    cout << "For " << rooms << " rooms: " << endl;
    cout << "Total square yards required: " << totalYards << endl;
    cout << "Total installation: $" << totalInstall << endl;
    cout << "Total padding: $" << totalPad << endl;
    cout << "Total carpeting: $" << totalCarp << endl;
    cout << "Grand Total: $" << grandTotal << endl;