Thread: Anyone good with linked list.....I am not....

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  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    1) Don't use NULL. "Real" C++ programmers use 0.

    nodeType *current = first->link;
    nodeType *trail = first;
    for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++)
    	current = current->link;
    	trail = trail->link;
    That's a little confusing for me. You have a pointer to the first node(trail) and a pointer to the second node(current), and you are advancing them along the list. If pos is 2, then your for-loop will end after two loops, and you'll have a pointer to the 3rd element(trail) and a pointer to the 4th element(current). What's the point of advancing two pointers along the list? In addition, you need pointers to three nodes to remove a node: a pointer to the node before the node you want to remove, a pointer to the node you want to remove, and pointer to the node after the node you want to remove.

    3) Why perform any calculations and declare variables prior to checking if the list is empty?
    if (first == NULL)
    	cout << "List is Empty" << endl;
    if (current->link != NULL)
    current is already several nodes after the node you want to remove(see #1). Hence, current->link is even further down the list, and therefore is irrelevant. Well, not completely irrelevant because if you use the -> operator, that is equivalent to calling the dereference(*) operator and then the member access operator(.), which means you'll be dereferencing a null pointer if you are at the end of the list, and as a result your program will crash. Actually, your program can crash even earlier. What happens if the list has 3 nodes and you try to remove node 10? As you step through the list in your for-loop using ->, you will hit the end up of the list at some point(current will get there first), which means current will be equal to 0, and on the next loop dereferencing current using -> will cause your program to crash.

    When you step through a linked list, there has to be a loop conditional that checks whether you have reached the end of the list.
    Last edited by 7stud; 11-09-2005 at 03:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Well hear is the progress I am making.....I removed all the templating I had for the sake of working things out....I also removed a couple of functions and am now trying to get the ones I am most concerned about of now everything compiles but I am having a hard time checking my work....this is do to the fact that I don't think I have built my displayFuntion method correctly........also when I do search for a node it ends up crashing......anyone have any ideas......if you need more info let me know...



    using#ifndef H_LinkedListType
    #define H_LinkedListType
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <string>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <cassert>
    using namespace std;
    struct nodeType
    	string info;
    	nodeType *link;
    class linkedListType
    	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const linkedListType&);
        const linkedListType& operator=(const linkedListType&); 
        void initializeList(); 
        bool isEmptyList();
        int length();
        void destroyList();
        void insertFirst(string name);
        void insertLast(string name);
    ///////////////////////////////H E L P ///////////////////////////
    	void getKThElement(int pos); 
    	void linkedListType::Display_List();
    	void deteteKthElement(int pos);
        int count;		
        nodeType *first; 
        nodeType *last;  
    bool linkedListType::isEmptyList()
    	return(first == NULL);
    linkedListType::linkedListType()// default constructor
    	first = NULL;
    	last = NULL;
    	count = 0;
    void linkedListType::destroyList()
    	nodeType *temp;   //pointer to deallocate the memory 
    							//occupied by the node
    	while(first != NULL)    //while there are nodes in the list
    	   temp = first;        //set temp to the current node
    	   first = first->link; //advance first to the next node
    	   delete temp;         //deallocate memory occupied by temp
    	last = NULL;	//initialize last to NULL; first has already
                       //been set to NULL by the while loop
     	count = 0;
    void linkedListType::initializeList()
    	destroyList(); //if the list has any nodes, delete them
    int linkedListType::length()
     	return count;
    }  // end length
    void linkedListType::Display_List()
    	nodeType *temp;
    	last = NULL;
        temp = first;
    	cout << endl;
        if (first == NULL)
    	cout << "The list is empty!" << endl;
    			while (temp != NULL)
    			// Display details for what temp points to
    			cout << "Name: " << temp->info << flush;
    		//	if (temp == current)
    		//	cout << " <-- Current node";
    		//	cout << endl;
    			temp = temp->link;
    	 cout << "End of list!" << endl;
    /////////////////////////////H E L P///////////////////////////
    void linkedListType::getKThElement(int pos)
    	nodeType *current = first->link;
    	nodeType *trail = first;
    	bool found;
    	int count = 0;
    	if (first == NULL)//First check if the list is empty....
    		cout << "The list is Empty!" << endl;
    		if (pos == count && pos == NULL)//Then check to see if pos is the last
    		{								//node
    			current = first; //set current to the first node
    			first = first->link; //set first to the second node
    			count--;//update count
    			if(first == NULL)    //list had only one node
    				last = NULL; //set last to NULL(0)
    			delete current; //delete the current node
    			found = false;
    			current = first->link;  //set current to point to the 
    			//Search for node
    			while((!found) && (current != NULL))//While found is false && current is 
    			{									//not the last node 
      				    count++;  //get the total number of nodes
    					current = current-> link; //advance through the list
    			if(count >= pos) //Check to see if pos is found 
    				found = true; //if so its there
    				cout<<"Count > than pos";
    			//	return 0;
    			if(found) //if found then delete the node
    				for(count=0; count != pos; count++)
    					current = current-> link;
    				if(last == current)      //node to be deleted was 
                                         //the last node
    					last = trail;  //Another special case update the value of last
    					trail->link = current->link;
    				cout << "You just found: " << current->info << endl;  
    				cout<<"Item to be found is not in the list."<<endl;
    void linkedListType::insertFirst(string name)
    	nodeType *newNode; //pointer to create the new node
    	newNode = new nodeType; //create the new node
    	assert(newNode != NULL);	//If unable to allocate memory, 
     								//terminate the program
    	newNode->info = name; 	   //store the new item in the node
    	newNode->link = first;        //insert newNode before first
    	first = newNode;              //make first point to the 
                                     //actual first node
    	count++; 			   //increment count
    	if(last == NULL)   //if the list was empty, newNode is also 
                          //the last node in the list
    		last = newNode;
    /////////////////////////////////H E L P////////////////////////////
    void linkedListType::deteteKthElement(int pos)
    	nodeType *current = first->link;
    	nodeType *trail = first;
    	bool found;
    	int count = 0;
    	if (first == NULL)//First check if the list is empty....
    		cout << "The list is Empty!" << endl;
    		if (pos == count && pos == NULL)//Then check to see if pos is the last
    		{								//node
    			current = first; //set current to the first node
    			first = first->link; //set first to the second node
    			count--;//update count
    			if(first == NULL)    //list had only one node
    				last = NULL; //set last to NULL(0)
    			delete current; //delete the current node
    			found = false;
    			current = first->link;  //set current to point to the 
    			//Search for node
    			while((!found) && (current != NULL))//While found is false && current is 
    			{									//not the last node 
      				    count++;  //get the total number of nodes
    					current = current-> link; //advance through the list
    			if(count >= pos) //Check to see if pos is found 
    				found = true; //if so its there
    				cout<<"Count > than pos";
    			//	return 0;
    			if(found) //if found then delete the node
    				for(count=0; count != pos; count++)
    					current = current-> link;
    				if(last == current)      //node to be deleted was 
                                         //the last node
    					last = trail;  //Another special case update the value of last
    					trail->link = current->link;
    				delete current;  //delete the node from the list
    				cout<<"Item to be deleted is not in the list."<<endl;
    //Overloading the stream insertion operator
    ostream& operator<<(ostream& osObject, const linkedListType& list)
    	nodeType *current; //pointer to traverse the list
    	current = list.first;   //set current so that it points to 
    					   //the first node
    	while(current != NULL) //while more data to print
    	   osObject<<current->info<<" ";
    	   current = current->link;
    	return osObject;
    linkedListType::~linkedListType() // destructor
    }//end destructor
    //overload the assignment operator
    const linkedListType& linkedListType::operator=
       	 	 		(const linkedListType& otherList)
    	if(this != &otherList) //avoid self-copy
    				///copy list
    	}//end else
    	return *this; 
    void displayMenu()
    	cout << "Select one of the following:" << endl;
    	cout << "1: To search for a node" << endl;
    	cout << "2: To search and delete a node" << endl;
    	cout << "3: Add Name" << endl;
    	cout << "0: EXIT" << endl;
    void controller(int i)
    	string name;
    	int pos;
    	linkedListType link;
    			if (i == 1)
    				cout << "Enter the number of the Node to Search For: ";
    				cin >> pos;
    			else if (i == 2)
    				cout << "Enter the Name of the Node you want to delete: ";
    				cin >> pos;
    			else if (i == 3)
    				cout << "Add Name: ";
    				cin >> name;
    				cout << "Invalid Selection" << endl;
    void GetInput()
    	int i;
    	linkedListType link;
    		cout << "Please select a number from below: " << flush;
    		cin >> i;
    	while (i != 0);
    int _tmain()
    	return 0;

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