I have a program with two strings. I want to copy part of the first string, up to the first space character in that string, into a separate string. Here is the section of code i wrote that is supposed to do that. Rawstring & numberstr are character arrays (strings), rawstring is the source and numberstr is the destination, space is an integer which stores the position of the first space character in the array. It should be fairly obvious how it is supposed to work. When i try to compile i get an "invalid conversion from char to const char" in the strcat function. What is wrong? How do i fix it?

for (int x = 0; (x < 19) && (space = 0); x++)
        if (rawstring[x] == ' ')
            space = x;
    for (int x = 0; x < space; x++)
        strcat(numberstr, rawstring[x]);
    cout << "\n" << numberstr << "\n";