I’ve been learning C++ for the past year and feel as though there is something that I’m just so unsure about and I thought that this place might be able to help me out a bit.

I have been learning C++ thru the book The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup. I firstly started off going through the book at a pretty fast pace and over my school holidays ended up around page 250. Then I figured that I ought to start again because I just couldn’t get the jist of the exercises. So I did and tried to go through a bit slower and more indepthly. This time around I used a few other resources to help me, such as your great tutorials. Anyways, I’ve currently been doing the exercises for chapter 6, p140. I managed to do okay in the last few chapters but these ones just seem so unreasonable. I’ve looked over the exercises and for quite a number of them it hasn’t gone through the concepts yet. Well it has gone over the concepts but not on what they are asking you to do. I just feel as though they are unreasonable. I remember in one of the past chapters you had to write the months in a year into structures yet it has never been through that before.

I don’t know if its just me or what. I’ve been working at the book for a year and I feel as though I’m not getting too far thru the exercises. So I don’t know what to do. Since I figured that this book is quite popular I was hoping that someone else might be able to help shed some light on this. BTW keep in mind that I really like this book, its very indepth and is just an excellent resource. Also would I be right to assume that this book is substantially harder than the other C++ books out?

I apologise if this thread is posted in the wrong section or this type of question has been asked many times. I don’t check out this forum much but I really should do.