
I'm doing another homework problem and I've been stuck for a couple of hours. The assignment is to find your weight on the different planets. Right now, I've been able to tell the user their weight on ONE planet. How do I use cout statement to tell the user their weight on the different planets. HEre is what I have so far:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;
int main()
	float weight;
	char planet;

                const float Mercury = 0.4155;
	const float Venus = 0.8975;
	const float Earth = 1.0;
	const float Moon = 0.166;
	const float Mars = 0.3507;
	const float Jupiter = 2.5374;
	const float Saturn = 1.0677;
	const float Uranus = 0.8947;
	const float Neptune = 1.1794;
	const float Pluto = 0.0899;

	cout<< "Enter your weight in pounds" <<endl;
	cin>> weight;
	cout<< "Enter the name of a planet" <<endl;
	cin>> planet;

	cout<< "Your weight on Mars is " <<weight*Mars <<"."<<endl;
	return 0;