Well my first post here, off to an embaressing start, but you can't get far with out asking some questions, and this one i hope is simple enough.

Just started C++ and was having a go at writing this particular algorithm, after getting somewhere but really nowhere, i got the real deal someone else made and tried to jury rig some of his code into mine to get it to work (i know i know ).

well here we go, the Good professional version

 #include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   int iCount = 1;
   int iNo = 22;
   int iTemp  = iNo;


   while (iTemp != 1)
      if (iTemp % 2 == 0)
         iTemp /= 2;
         iTemp = iTemp * 3 + 1;

   cout << "Cycle length of " << iNo << " is " << iCount << endl;
  return 0;
and my version

#include <iostream>	

using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
                         // Most important part of the program!
                          // Need a variable...
  int count = 1;
  int N;
  int X = N;     
        cout<<"Input Number: ";
         cin>> N;
 while (X != 1)
  if (X % 2 == 0)
    X /= 2;
     X = X * 3 + 1;
cout << " cycle length of " << X << " is " << count << endl; 
      return 0;
where the good version gives the correct output, cycle length of 22 is 16.

while mine gives for any number inputed, cycle length of 1 is 255

i orginally didn't have int X = N; but considering the other had int itemp = ino; i added it anyway.

well there you go feel free to laugh, i just was interested if anyone can figure out why it doesn't work .

Regards Wolfe