I keep receiving this error when trying to overload the * operator to multiply an object by an integer:

" error C2677: binary '*' : no global operator defined which takes type 'class percent' (or there is no acceptable conversion)"

Here is my code:
#include <iostream>

class percent
    int whole;
	int decimal;
    percent(float z);
    int getwhole(void);
	int getdecimal(void);
	void setwhole(int z);
	void setdecimal(int z);
	float getpercent(void) const;
    void percent::setpercent(float z);
	void print(void);

	percent operator+(const percent& z) const;  //e = f + g;
    percent operator-(const percent& z) const;  //e = f - g;
    percent operator*(const percent& z) const;  //e = f * g;
    percent operator/(const percent& z) const;  //e = f / g;
    percent operator*(int z) const;             //c = a * f;
    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& y, const percent& z);
	friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& y, percent& z);

//c = a / f;

//c = c * f;
//c = c / f;

//c = f * a;
//c = a / f;

//c = f * c;
//c = f / c;

//e = f;


//if (e == f)

//if (e != f)

//if (e > f)

//if (e >= f)

//if (e < f)

//if (e <= f)

//cin >> e;

//cout << e;


using namespace std;

	whole = 0;
	decimal = 0;
percent::percent(float z)
	whole = z;
	decimal = (z - whole) * 100;
int percent::getwhole(void)
	return whole;
int percent::getdecimal(void)
	return decimal;
void percent::setwhole(int z)
	whole = z;
void percent::setdecimal(int z)
	while (z >= 100)
		z = z - 100;
	decimal = z;
float percent::getpercent(void) const
    return whole + (decimal) / (100.0);
void percent::setpercent(float z)
	whole = z;
	decimal = (z - whole) * 100;
void percent::print(void)
	cout << "Whole: " << whole << endl;
	cout << "Decimal " << decimal << endl;
percent percent::operator+(const percent& z) const
	percent temp;
	temp.setwhole(whole + z.whole);
	temp.setdecimal(decimal + z.decimal);

	return temp;
percent percent::operator-(const percent& z) const
	float a, b, c;
	percent temp;
	a = getpercent();
	b = z.getpercent();

	c = a - b;


	return temp;
percent percent::operator*(const percent& z) const
	float a, b, c;
	percent temp;
	a = getpercent();
	b = z.getpercent();

	c = a * b;


	return temp;
percent percent::operator/(const percent& z) const
    float a, b, c;
	percent temp;
	a = getpercent();
	b = z.getpercent();

	c = a / b;


	return temp;
percent percent::operator*(int z) const
    float a, b;
	percent temp;
	a = getpercent();

	b = a * z;


	return temp;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& y, const percent& z)
	y << z.whole << "." << z.decimal << "%";

	return y;

istream& operator>>(istream& y, percent& z)
	float temp;
	y >> temp;

	return y;

int main()
    int a = 0, b = 0;
    float c = 0, d = 0;
    percent f(6);

	percent e(20);
	percent g(5);

	c = a * f;

	cout << c << endl;

	return 0;
Any ideas on how to fix?
