#include <stdio.h>

    class Person
	public: ~Person(){}
    class Englishman :public Person
	public: virtual ~Englishman()
				printf( "Goodbye\n" ); 
    class Japanese : public Person
	public: virtual ~Japanese()
				printf( "Sayonara\n" ); 
   class German :public Person
   public: virtual ~German()
			   printf( "Auf Wiedersehen\n" ); 

   int main()
       Person *p = new Japanese;
       delete p;
       p = new German;
       delete p;
       return 0;
Since base class destructor is not declared virtual...that is why destructors of derived are not getting called...but why does the code crash....when i don't add virtual keyword to derive class destructors then my code does not crash