Thread: CountMax function

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    CountMax function

    I have this trie class that has a few methods I'm trying to add addtionally two more new methods. A countMax() to count the number of words (x) such that no prefix with at least one letter of (x) is in the Trie. So if I had the words home, homework, tom, tad it would return a count of 3 because both homework and home start with same prefix. and I also tried to create fucntion called countSome where it counts words with exactly three vowels (a,e.i.o.u) each occurring exactly once. Here is what I have so far in the class:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    const int TrieMaxElem = 26;
    const int StrMaxElem = 80;
    using namespace std;
    class Trie;
    class TrieNode {
        bool StrEnds;
        TrieNode *ptr[TrieMaxElem];
        void SetStrEnds(){StrEnds = true;}
        void UnSetStrEnds(){StrEnds = false;}
        bool GetStrEnds(){return StrEnds;}
        void SetPtr(int i, TrieNode* j){ptr[i]=j;}
        TrieNode* GetPtr(int i){return ptr[i];}
        StrEnds = false;
        for(int i=0; i<TrieMaxElem; i++)
           ptr[i] = 0;
    class Trie {
        Trie() ;
        void Readlist();
        void Insert(char  x[]);
        bool Member(char  x[]);
        void Delete(char  x[]);
        TrieNode *root;
        bool Delete(char x[], int i, TrieNode *current );
        bool CheckTrieNodeEmpty(TrieNode *current);
        root = new TrieNode();
    void Trie::Readlist(){
      int numtimes;
      char x[StrMaxElem];
      cout << endl;
      cout << "num of times" << endl;
      cin >> numtimes;
      for ( int i = 1 ; i <= numtimes ; i = i + 1 )
       { cout << "Input String" << endl;
         cin >> x;
         cout << x << endl;
         Insert( x );
    void Trie::Insert(char x[]) {
      TrieNode *current = root;
      int i = 0;
      while ( x[i] != '\0' )
       { int j = x[i] - 'a';
         if ( current->GetPtr(j) == 0 )
                  current->SetPtr(j, new TrieNode());
         current = current->GetPtr(j);
         i = i + 1;
    void Trie::Delete(char x[])
      TrieNode *current = root;
      int i = 0;
      if (x[i] == '\0') return;
      bool j = Delete(x,i,current);
    bool Trie::Delete(char x[], int i, TrieNode *current){
      if (current != 0)
         {if (x[i] == '\0')
               {current -> UnSetStrEnds();
                if (CheckTrieNodeEmpty(current))
                             {delete current; return true;} }
          else {if (Delete(x,i+1,current->GetPtr(x[i] - 'a')))
                   {current->SetPtr(x[i] - 'a', 0);
                   if (i != 0 && CheckTrieNodeEmpty(current))
                             {delete current; return true;} }
      return false;
    bool Trie::CheckTrieNodeEmpty
                          (TrieNode *current)
     if (current -> GetStrEnds()) return false;
     for(int i = 0; i<TrieMaxElem; i++)
         if (current->GetPtr( i )) return false;
     return true;
    bool Trie::Member(char x[]) {
      TrieNode *current = root;
      int i = 0;
      while (x[i] != '\0')
        { int j = x[i] - 'a';
          if ( current->GetPtr(j) == 0 ) return false ;
               else current = current->GetPtr(j);
          i = i+1;
      return  current->GetStrEnds() ;
    { int numtests;
      char newelem[StrMaxElem];
      Trie t;
      cout << endl;
      cout << "num of tests" << endl;
      cin >> numtests;
      for ( int i = 1 ; i <= numtests ; i = i + 1 )
        { if (i == (i/2)*2)
             { cout << "Input Test String" << endl;
               cin >> newelem;
               cout << newelem << "IS A MEMBER?" << t.Member(newelem) << endl;
         else{ cout << "Delete Test String" << endl;
               cin >> newelem;
               cout << newelem << " Deleted" << endl;

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Do you have a question?

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I'm trying to add the countMax() function but I'm not sure how to properly check for prefixes.

    int countMax(char x[])
        TrieNode *current = root;
         int i = 0;
         if(Member(char x[]))

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Anyone have an idea on how to start on this function?

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