Hi I have to learn c++ for uni and so here I am. I had been programming in c before so its not as hard but I'm trying to make sure I do things the right way for c++ rather than for c. This is my first attempt and I wanted to check that I haven't done anything in a c way or badly.

By the way I had a seperate function to add pizza's because I'm planning on having a linked list of them. Is having a function seperate to the class the right way of doing this? Also should I put the next and prev pointers in the class? I'm asking because I don't want to start bad habits.

Thanks, David

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;

const double PIE = 3.14;

// Define the cPizza class
class cPizza 
   /* add_pizza(int diameter, double cost);*/
    double radius, area;
    double cost;
        double value(void);
        cPizza(int diameter, float temp_cost);

// The contructor for cPizza
cPizza::cPizza(int diameter, float temp_cost)
    radius = diameter / 2;
    cost = temp_cost;

// Calculates the value for the pizza                  
double cPizza::value()
    float cost_per_inch;
    area = (radius * radius) * PIE;
    cost_per_inch = area / cost;
    return cost_per_inch;

cPizza* add_pizza(int diameter, double cost);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int diameter;
    float radius, area, value;
    double cost;
    cPizza *pizza;
    cout << "Pizza calculator\n\n";
    cout << "Size of pizza (Diameter in inches.): ";
    cin >> diameter;
    cout << "Cost of pizza (Pounds): ";
    cin >> cost;
    /*cPizza Pizza(diameter, cost);*/
    pizza = add_pizza(diameter, cost);
    cout << "The pizza costs £" << pizza->value() <<" per square inch\n";
    return 0;

cPizza* add_pizza(int diameter, double cost)
    cPizza *new_pizza;
    new_pizza = new cPizza(diameter, cost);
    return new_pizza;