Hi, I'm working on a basic program to practice working with inherited classes, parent - child and grandchild. The problem is the book for my class is awful and any examples I find online are far to in depth for me to learn anything from them since my program is so basic. The basic idea is I have a Transport class which has 3 children - land, air, and water. There is also a class called military so some of the transports can have military attributes. I then have a file called tie3.h which has all the actual vehicles, cars, planes etc. The error I am getting is this:

2 C:\Dev-Cpp\240c2\air.h:1, from tier3.h In file included from air.h:1, from tier3.h
3 C:\Dev-Cpp\240c2\tier3.h:2, from main.cc from tier3.h:2, from main.cc
4 C:\Dev-Cpp\240c2\transport.h redefinition of `class Transport'
4 C:\Dev-Cpp\240c2\transport.h previous definition of `class Transport'
5 C:\Dev-Cpp\240c2\air.h variable or field `output' declared void
5 C:\Dev-Cpp\240c2\air.h expected `;' before '(' token
6 C:\Dev-Cpp\240c2\air.h variable or field `input' declared void
6 C:\Dev-Cpp\240c2\air.h expected `;' before '(' token
13 C:\Dev-Cpp\240c2\air.h expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
13 C:\Dev-Cpp\240c2\air.h expected `,' or `;' before '(' token

Here is my tier3.h:
#include "military.h"
#include "air.h"
#include "land.h"
#include "water.h"
class Car:public Land{
      hp = 200;
      top_speed = 110;
      kpg = 30;
      cost = 15000;

class Truck:public Land{
      hp = 230;
      top_speed = 80;
      kpg = 22;
      cost = 17000;

class Bike:public Land{
      hp = 0;
      top_speed = 25;
      kpg = 0;
      cost = 100;

class Car:public Land, public Military{
      hp = 200;
      top_speed = 110;
      kpg = 30;
      guns = 2;
      intel_radius = 3;
      armor_weight = 150.75;
      cost = 35000;


class Glider:public Air{
      engine_hp = 0;
      wing_span = 20;
      propellars = 0;
      seats = 2;
      cost = 500;

class CropDuster:public Air{
      engine_hp = 240;
      wing_span = 40;
      propellars = 1;
      seats = 2;
      cost = 13000;

class SpyPlane:public Air, public Military{
      engine_hp = 900;
      wing_span = 100;
      propellars = 5;
      seats = 33;
      cost = 1200000;


class JetSki:public Water{
      top_speed = 50;
      size = 12;
      cost = 3000;

class RiverBoat:public Water{
      top_speed = 30;
      size = 135;
      cost = 69000;

class Destroyer:public Water, public Military{
      top_speed = 80;
      size = 535;
      cost = 890000;
and here is air.h, water and land are basically the same:
#include "transport.h"
class Air:public Transport{
             //double cost(){return ((wing_span-propellars)/seats)*engine_hp;}
             void output(iostream ofs);
             void input(fstream ins);
              int engine_hp, wing_span, propellars, seats;

Air::output(iostream outs){
   if(outs == cout){
          outs << "Engine HP: " << engine_hp << "Wing Span: " << wing_span << "Propellars: " << propellars << "Seats: " << seats << endl;
       outs << engine_hp << endl << wing_span << endl << propellars << endl << seats << endl;

Air::input(fstream ins){
    getline(engine_hp, ins);
    getline(wing_span, ins);
    getline(propellars, ins);
    getline(seats, ins);
I think it has something to do with not having a constructor but my book says it will use a default constructor and I don't know where I would put it.
