ive got a struct here which i then create a vector of pointers of type stuct people. in my problem i read in 2 files. i have comlpeted all of file 1 work. file 2 i have to read in 2 sets of names the first being the "child" and the second the "parent"... i have to link the parent to the child and then display the information. i think ive gotten where to do it im just getting an error.

here is the code..
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

struct Date{
      int month;
      int day;
      int year;

struct Person{
      string fn;
      string ln;
      Person* parent;
      Date bday;

//open file of names and bdays
void openFile(ifstream& ifs);

//function to fill vector with names and birthdays
void processNames(ifstream& ifs, vector<Date*>& dat,
                 vector<Person*>& per);

//display people from first file
void displayNames(const vector<Date*>& dat, const vector<Person*>& per);

void procParents(vector<Person*>& per, ifstream& ifs2);

//process the child and parent info
void displayParents(ifstream& ifs2, vector<Person*>& per,
				vector<Date*>& dat);

int main()
   ifstream ifs1, ifs2; //streams for opening files
   openFile(ifs1); //open file

   vector<Date*> dat; // vector of pointers to struct date
   vector<Person*> per; //vector of pointers to struct Person

   processNames(ifs1, dat, per); //call function to fill vector
   displayNames(dat, per); //call function to display vectors

   openFile(ifs2); //open the second file
   procParents(per, ifs2);
   displayParents(ifs2, per, dat); //update parent and child vector 

   return 0;


void openFile(ifstream& ifs) // open file
    string fileName; //name of file given by user
    cout << "Enter file name: ";
    cin >> fileName;
    cout << endl;
    ifs.open(fileName.c_str()); //open the file
    if(!ifs) // check for failure
                 cerr << "Error opening " << fileName << endl;
                 exit(1); // exit if file opening failed


//process all the names and information into the 2 vectors
void processNames(ifstream& ifs, vector<Date*>& dat,
                 vector<Person*>& per)
       //temporary month day and year
       int m, d, y;
       //temporary first and last name
       string fName, lName;

       //loop while we have information in the file
       while (ifs >> fName >> lName >> m >> d >> y)
             Person* p = new Person; // point to a new struct person
             per.push_back(p); //push back to accept new information

             //pointer now holds new first name
             p->fn = fName;
             //new last name
             p->ln = lName;
			//initially there is no link to parents
			 p->parent = NULL;

             Date* da = new Date; //point to a new stuct date
             dat.push_back(da); //push back to accept new information

             //pointer now holds new month
             da->month = m;
             //new day
             da->day = d;
             //new year
             da->year = y;

void displayNames(const vector<Date*>& dat, const vector<Person*>& per)
    //loop through vector. sizes are equal so size() of
    //either vector will work
    for(size_t i = 0; i < per.size(); ++i)
               //output all the information
               cout << "Name: " << per[i]->ln << ", "
                    << per[i]->fn << "; DOB: " << dat[i]->month
                    << "/" << dat[i]->day << "/" <<dat[i]->year;
               cout << endl;
    cout << "=========================================="<<endl;

void procParents(vector<Person*>& per, ifstream& ifs2)
	string fn1, fn2; //first names from file
	string ln1, ln2; //last names from file
	while(ifs2 >> fn1 >> ln1 >> fn2 >> ln2)
		for(size_t z=0; z < per.size(); ++z)
			for(size_t y=0; y < per.size(); ++y)//we found the child
				if(fn1 == per[z]->fn && fn2 == per[y]->fn)
					per[z]->parent = &per[z];

//output final people w/ their parents
//NOT DONE!!!!
void displayParents(ifstream& ifs2, vector<Person*>& per,
				vector<Date*>& dat)
	    for(size_t a = 0; a < per.size(); ++a)
               //output all the information
               cout << "Name: " << per[a]->ln << ", "
                    << per[a]->fn << "; DOB: " << dat[a]->month
                    << "/" << dat[a]->day << "/" <<dat[a]->year
					<< "; parent: Name: ";
			   cout << endl;
the red is where i should b doing this...
i cant figure out how to link the child to the parent properly. i get this error on my laptop
c:\Documents and Settings\PolyUser\Desktop\CS1124\HW02\hw02\hw02\hw02.cpp(131): error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'std::allocator::value_type *__w64  ' to 'Person *'
            _Ty=Person *
but on my pc i get this error same exact file
d:\Poly\CS1124\hw02\hw02\hw02.cpp(132): error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'Person ** ' to 'Person *'
Basically i just need help in linking the two together.
here is a link for the proper output that i should have