Could someone define what the compiler means when it gives the error "... cannot start a parameter declaration". I don't understand why the compiler would care what the first parameter is.

Secondly the compiler is giving me a bunch of other errors that shouldn't be there. Like telling me I'm missing a ) when I do have the correct amount. Source file is attached, sorry if it's unclean I was actually trying to clean it up before the errors started happeing.


Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Warning W8071 C:\Borland\SDL\include\SDL_endian.h 87: Conversion may lose significant digits in function SDL_Swap16(unsigned short)
Warning W8012 tcputil.h 30: Comparing signed and unsigned values in function getmsgstr(_TCPsocket *,unsigned int)
Warning W8004 tcputil.h 25: 'str' is assigned a value that is never used in function getmsgstr(_TCPsocket *,unsigned int)
Warning W8071 C:\include\strexpac.h 8: Conversion may lose significant digits in function str_reverse(char *)
Warning W8012 C:\include\strexpac.h 55: Comparing signed and unsigned values in function str_split(char *,char,char *,char *)
Warning W8057 server.h 10: Parameter 'match_length' is never used in function strmatchup(const char *,const char *,bool)
Error E2293 server.h 27: ) expected
Error E2293 server.h 28: ) expected
Error E2293 server.h 29: ) expected
Error E2147 server.h 42: 'TPCsocket' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 server.h 44: 'TPCsocket' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2316 server.h 44: 'userman::adduser(int)' is not a member of 'userman'
Error E2147 server.h 54: 'TPCsocket' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2316 server.h 54: 'userman::renameuser(int,const char *)' is not a member of 'userman'
Error E2147 server.h 72: 'TPCsocket' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2316 server.h 72: 'userman::removeuser(int)' is not a member of 'userman'
Error E2451 server.h 89: Undefined symbol 'num_clients' in function userman::create_sockset()
Warning W8013 server.h 90: Possible use of 'set' before definition in function userman::create_sockset()
Error E2034 server.h 119: Cannot convert 'char *' to '_TCPsocket *' in function userman::announce(const char *,...)
Error E2342 server.h 119: Type mismatch in parameter 'sock' (wanted '_TCPsocket *', got 'char *') in function userman::announce(const char *,...)
Error E2034 server.h 119: Cannot convert '_TCPsocket *' to 'char *' in function userman::announce(const char *,...)
Error E2342 server.h 119: Type mismatch in parameter 'buf' (wanted 'char *', got '_TCPsocket *') in function userman::announce(const char *,...)
Error E2285 server.h 120: Could not find a match for 'remove<ForwardIterator,T>(_TCPsocket *)' in function userman::announce(const char *,...)
Warning W8004 server.h 123: 'r' is assigned a value that is never used in function userman::announce(const char *,...)
Error E2147 server.h 125: 'TPCsocket' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2034 server.h 140: Cannot convert 'int' to '_TCPsocket *' in function message(int,const char *,...)
Error E2342 server.h 140: Type mismatch in parameter 'sock' (wanted '_TCPsocket *', got 'int') in function message(int,const char *,...)
Warning W8057 server.h 147: Parameter 'sock' is never used in function message(int,const char *,...)
Error E2316 server.cpp 100: 'adduser' is not a member of 'userman' in function SDL_main(int,char * *)
Warning W8012 server.cpp 110: Comparing signed and unsigned values in function SDL_main(int,char * *)
Error E2316 server.cpp 134: 'removeuser' is not a member of 'userman' in function SDL_main(int,char * *)
Warning W8080 server.cpp 150: 'ipaddr' is declared but never used in function SDL_main(int,char * *)
Warning W8080 server.cpp 150: 'host' is declared but never used in function SDL_main(int,char * *)
Warning W8057 server.cpp 150: Parameter 'argc' is never used in function SDL_main(int,char * *)
Warning W8057 server.cpp 150: Parameter 'argv' is never used in function SDL_main(int,char * *)
*** 21 errors in Compile ***