#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream.h>

class Transportation

	double dCarEngineSize;
	int iMotorcycleCCs;
	int iSemiNumberofAxels;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	Transportation& vehicleInfo =  *(new Transportation);
	vehicleInfo.dCarEngineSize = 3.1;
	vehicleInfo.iMotorcycleCCs = 750;
	vehicleInfo.iSemiNumberofAxels = 6;

	cout <<	vehicleInfo.dCarEngineSize << endl <<
			vehicleInfo.iMotorcycleCCs << endl <<
			vehicleInfo.iSemiNumberofAxels << endl;
	delete &vehicleInfo;
	return 0;
It compiles, great, but is it doing what I want it to?

I want to delete the object from the heap, so it doesn't cause a leak, is this correct? If not, what am I doing wrong?