Thread: Classes

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Dec 2001


    I have a class called final it inherits attributes from a class called average. I am using constructor for the class. I am not to familiar with constructors but I know it initializes data members when it is instantiated. I am reading records from a file in a Do loop and it seems I must Declare this variable (Final FGrade(int[][], int[], int) in the loop to get the program to work right(it works if it is outside the loop but it keeps processing the first record). Am I doing something wrong? One last thing I use a member function after the loop and try to use FGrade (FGrade.RoundNum(int,2)) it says it is undeclared and I have to call the variable again. Would someone tell me if I am missing something or is this the way it is supposed to work. I mean the program is working it just seems to me that at the very least when I use it after the loop that I shouldn't have to declare the variable again.

  2. #2
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    Hard to tell what is going on or if you are using the ctor right. Post some of your code so we can see what is going on and know better how to help you.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Dec 2001

    main function for class

    Here is most of my main function. Thanks in advance
    //read a record
    fscanf(StuIn,"%5d,%25[a-z A-Z],"
    ,&StuNum, Name, CurCode, C[0], C[1], C[2], C[3], C[4], C[5], C[6], C[7],
    &T[0], &T[1], &T[2], &T[3], F);

    //Print Headings
    fprintf(GReport, "%60s\n\n", "Grade Report"),
    fprintf(GReport,"%-7s %-26s %4s%19s%26s%13s%8s%7s\n"
    , "Student", "Student", "Curr", "Class", "Test", "Final","Final", "Final");
    fprintf(GReport,"%-7s %-26s %4s%19s%26s%13s%8s%7s\n"
    , "Number", "Name", "Code", "Grades", "Grades", "Test","Avg", "Grade");
    fprintf(GReport,"%-7s %-26s %4s %30s%18s%8s%8s%7s\n"
    , "-------", "-------------------------", "----",
    "-----------------------------", "--------------", "-----","-----", "-----");

    //capitalize the first letter of the first and last name
    Name[0] = toupper(Name[0]);
    for(int cnt = 1; cnt < NameSize; cnt++)
    if(Name[cnt] == ' ')
    Name[cnt + 1] = toupper(Name[cnt + 1]);

    //capitalize the curriculum code
    for(int cnt1 = 0; cnt1 < CurSize; cnt1 ++)
    CurCode[cnt1] = toupper(CurCode[cnt1]);

    //average is declared here so the variables being passed to the class are
    //refreshed each time a new record is read
    Final FGrade(F, C, T, TestSize);

    //call class function to calculate the final grade
    FinalGrade = FGrade.CalcFinal();

    //convert the final grade to a letter grade
    LetterFinal = ConvertFinGrade(FinalGrade);

    //write a detail line to the backup file
    fprintf(StuSave,"%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s, %d,%d,%d,%d,%s,%d,%c\n"
    , StuNum, Name, CurCode, C[0], C[1], C[2], C[3], C[4], C[5],
    C[6], C[7], T[0], T[1], T[2], T[3], F,FinalGrade, LetterFinal);

    //write a line to the report file
    fprintf(GReport,"%-5d %-26s %-3s %-3s%-4s%-4s%-4s%-4s%-4s%-4s%-4s%4d%4d%4d%4d%7s%8d%6c%\n"
    , StuNum, Name, CurCode, C[0], C[1], C[2], C[3], C[4], C[5],
    C[6], C[7], T[0], T[1], T[2], T[3], F, FinalGrade, LetterFinal);

    StuCounter++; //StuCounter = Total # of student
    FinGradeCntr +=FinalGrade; //Accumulate final grades
    //read records until EOF
    while((fscanf(StuIn,"%5d,%25[a-z A-Z],"
    ,&StuNum, Name, CurCode, C[0], C[1], C[2], C[3], C[4], C[5], C[6], C[7],
    &T[0], &T[1], &T[2], &T[3], F)) ==16);

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