
I'm writing a (very very bad) encryption program. I wanted to use bitwrap in my program, but for some reason, it's not working, and I can't quite see where.

// from encrypt.h
void encry(char* fileIN)
     fin.open(fileIN, ios::binary);
     if(!fin) cout << "fin.ERROR";
     fout.open("temp.cry", ios::binary);
     if(!fout) cout << "fout.ERROR";
          a = a ^ key[x++];
          if(strlen(key) == x) x = 0;
          fout << a;

// bsl() - bitshift left. Code as follows.
void bsl()
     if(a > 127)
          a = a << 1;
          a = a ^ 0x01;
     if(a < 128)
          a = a << 1;
          a = a & 0xFE;

void bsr()
     if(((int)a % 2) == 0)
          a = a >> 1;
          a = a & 0x7F;
     if(((int)a % 2) == 1)
          a = a >> 1;
          a = a ^ 0x80;

Obviously, the decrypting function bitshifts right before XORing. If I try to encrypt / decrypt a simple text file containing ABCDE, I realise that only B and D get decrypted correctly. I'm guessing this means I've got something wrong with ODD-numbered ASCII characters... But I can't see what.

Thanks for your help.