Hi everyone,

Let me start by saying great site, So happy that i have found it, i might now get to learn what i've been wanting to..lol

I have been searching the internet in order to gain some help over the past couple of years and it seems no one is willing to help, I know abit about php html etc but i need to complete the project i started and the project i want.

Msn Style Chat Rooms!

I'm not asking if anyone will write it for me, I do really want to learn it myself, I just haven't got any idea of where to begin as like i say no one will show me.
I pick things up fairly quickly but i do need to be shown the way.
I Paid alot of money out Last year for ChatControl etc which worked Brilliant, But as i changed servers it all failed and Because i wasnt sent the source code i was unable to understand what to do.

Capture of What I am Aiming towards.

Can anyone please help me in this quest of mine? Guide me to the knowledge of where i need to begin and what I need to do in order to achieve this goal in my life please.. the website was supposed to be Launched this month but yet again i have been let down So I really need to do it myself sooner than i had planned.

Thank you all so much in advanced and Thank you to the Owners of this site.