Thread: No compile time errors, exe crashes.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    No compile time errors, exe crashes.

    There is a lot of code to this program now and I have narrowed my problem down to one of my classes. It compiles fine but when I run the program and go through a few options its good. After I got a class set up I tried to see if I could get some output from them but it crashes the console.

    Here is the class I am using:
    class Weapons {
                 string getWeaponValue(); //Legendary, Epic, unique, rare, magical, normal
                 string getWeaponType(); //Sword, mace, staff
                 string getWeaponName(); //Name the weapon
                 int getWeaponStats(); // damage, +mods and durability
                 int getMagicStats();
                 int getWeaponLevel(); // level of the weapon
                 void whoCanDrop();  //check to see which mobs can drop it
                  string WeaponName;
                  string WeaponType;
                  string WeaponValue;
                  int WeaponStats;
                  int WeaponDamage;
                  int WeaponDurability;
                  int WeaponLevel;
                  char CanIDropIt;
    One of these members is what I think is crashing the program.

    string Weapons::getWeaponValue()
     int x;
     x = 1 + rand() % 8;
     switch (x)
            case 1:
                 WeaponValue ="Normal";
            case 2:
                 WeaponValue = "Magical";
            case 3:
                 WeaponValue = "Rare";
            case 4: 
                 WeaponValue = "Unique";
            case 5:
                 WeaponValue = "Epic";
            case 6:
                 WeaponValue = "Legendary";
                 WeaponValue = "Normal";
            cout <<WeaponValue;
    string Weapons::getWeaponType()
         int x;
         x = 1 + rand() % 10;
         switch (x){
                case 1:
                     WeaponType = "Sword";
                case 2:
                     WeaponType = "Dagger";
                case 3: 
                     WeaponType = "Mace";
                case 4:
                     WeaponType = "Staff";
                case 5:
                     WeaponType = "Wand";
                case 6:
                     WeaponType = "Axe";
                case 7:
                     WeaponType = "Club";
                     WeaponType = "Exotic";        
                     //cout <<WeaponType;
    string Weapons::getWeaponName()
         int x;
         if (WeaponType == "Sword" && WeaponValue == "Normal" && WeaponLevel <= 10)
            x = 1 + rand() % 12;
            switch (x){
                   case 1:
                        WeaponName = "RustedSword";
                   case 2:
                        WeaponName = "DullSword";
                   case 3:
                        WeaponName = "BrokenSword";
                   case 4:
                        WeaponName = "UnforgedSword";
                   case 5:
                        WeaponName = "BluntSword";
                   case 6:
                        WeaponName = "WeakSword";
                   case 7:
                        WeaponName = "Tiny";
                   case 8:
                        WeaponName = "Sharp Knife";
                        WeaponName = "WoodenSword";
         if (WeaponType == "Mace" && WeaponValue == "Normal" && WeaponLevel <= 10)
            x = 1 + rand() % 12;
            switch (x){
                   case 1:
                        WeaponName = "RustedMace";
                   case 2:
                        WeaponName = "DullMace";
                   case 3:
                        WeaponName = "BrokenMace";
                   case 4:
                        WeaponName = "UnforgedMace";
                   case 5:
                        WeaponName = "BluntMace";
                   case 6:
                        WeaponName = "WeakMace";
                   case 7:
                        WeaponName = "Chunky";
                   case 8:
                        WeaponName = "SharpMace";
                        WeaponName = "WoodenMace";
         if (WeaponType == "Axe" && WeaponValue == "Normal" && WeaponLevel <= 10)
            x = 1 + rand() % 12;
            switch (x){
                   case 1:
                        WeaponName = "RustedAxe";
                   case 2:
                        WeaponName = "DullAxe";
                   case 3:
                        WeaponName = "BrokenAxe";
                   case 4:
                        WeaponName = "UnforgedAxe";
                   case 5:
                        WeaponName = "BluntAxe";
                   case 6:
                        WeaponName = "WeakAxe";
                   case 7:
                        WeaponName = "Pointy";
                   case 8:
                        WeaponName = "SharpAxe";
                        WeaponName = "Hatchet";
         if (WeaponType == "Club" && WeaponValue == "Normal" && WeaponLevel <= 10)
            x = 1 + rand() % 12;
            switch (x){
                   case 1:
                        WeaponName = "SplinteredClub";
                   case 2:
                        WeaponName = "FlatClub";
                   case 3:
                        WeaponName = "BrokenClub";
                   case 4:
                        WeaponName = "UnforgedClub";
                   case 5:
                        WeaponName = "BluntClub";
                   case 6:
                        WeaponName = "WeakClub";
                   case 7:
                        WeaponName = "Skinny";
                   case 8:
                        WeaponName = "ThickClub";
                        WeaponName = "WoodenClub";
         if (WeaponType == "Dagger" && WeaponValue == "Normal" && WeaponLevel <= 10)
            x = 1 + rand() % 12;
            switch (x){
                   case 1:
                        WeaponName = "RustedDagger";
                   case 2:
                        WeaponName = "DullDagger";
                   case 3:
                        WeaponName = "BrokenDagger";
                   case 4:
                        WeaponName = "UnforgedDagger";
                   case 5:
                        WeaponName = "BluntDagger";
                   case 6:
                        WeaponName = "WeakDagger";
                   case 7:
                        WeaponName = "Poinert";
                   case 8:
                        WeaponName = "SharpDagger";
                        WeaponName = "WoodenDagger";
         if (WeaponType == "Staff" && WeaponValue == "Normal" && WeaponLevel <= 10)
            x = 1 + rand() % 12;
            switch (x){
                   case 1:
                        WeaponName = "SplinteredStaff";
                   case 2:
                        WeaponName = "CrackedStaff";
                   case 3:
                        WeaponName = "BrokenStaff";
                   case 4:
                        WeaponName = "UnforgedStaff";
                   case 5:
                        WeaponName = "BluntStaff";
                   case 6:
                        WeaponName = "WeakStaff";
                   case 7:
                        WeaponName = "LongStaff";
                   case 8:
                        WeaponName = "HardStaff";
                        WeaponName = "WoodenStaff";
         if (WeaponType == "Wand" && WeaponValue == "Normal" && WeaponLevel <= 10)
            x = 1 + rand() % 12;
            switch (x){
                   case 1:
                        WeaponName = "RustedWand";
                   case 2:
                        WeaponName = "BurntWand";
                   case 3:
                        WeaponName = "BrokenWand";
                   case 4:
                        WeaponName = "UnforgedWand";
                   case 5:
                        WeaponName = "WornWand";
                   case 6:
                        WeaponName = "WeakWand";
                   case 7:
                        WeaponName = "Sparky";
                   case 8:
                        WeaponName = "BrightWand";
                        WeaponName = "WoodenWand";
                        cout <<WeaponName;
         if (WeaponType == "Sword" || 
    WeaponType == "Axe" ||
     WeaponType == "Mace" ||
     WeaponType == "Dagger" || 
    WeaponType == "Wand" || 
    WeaponType == "Club" || 
    WeaponType == "Staff" && 
    WeaponValue =="Magical" && 
    WeaponLevel >=3)
            x = 1 + (rand() % 10) - Clvl;
            switch (x){
                   case 1:
                        WeaponName = "Of the Bear";
                   case 2:
                        WeaponName = "Of the Wolf";
                   case 3:
                        WeaponName = "Of the Bird";
                        WeaponName = "Mended Weapon";
                        cout <<WeaponName;
         if (WeaponType == "Sword" || 
             WeaponType == "Axe" || 
             WeaponType == "Mace" || 
             WeaponType == "Dagger" || 
             WeaponType == "Wand" ||
             WeaponType == "Club" ||
             WeaponType == "Staff" && 
             WeaponValue =="Magical" && 
             WeaponLevel >=5)
            x = 1 + (rand() % 10) - Clvl;
            switch (x){
                   case 1:
                        WeaponName = "Of the Bear";
                   case 2:
                        WeaponName = "Of the Wolf";
                   case 3:
                        WeaponName = "Of the Bird";
                   case 4:
                        WeaponName = "Of the Monkey";
                   case 5: 
                        WeaponName = "Of the Scorpid";
                        WeaponName = "Glowing Sword";
                        cout <<WeaponName;
         if (WeaponType == "Sword" || 
             WeaponType == "Axe" ||
             WeaponType == "Mace" ||
             WeaponType == "Dagger" || 
             WeaponType == "Wand" || 
             WeaponType == "Club" || 
             WeaponType == "Staff" && 
             WeaponValue =="Magical" && 
             WeaponLevel >=10)
            x = 1 + (rand() % 23) - Clvl;
            switch (x){
                   case 1:
                        WeaponName = "Of the Bear";
                   case 2:
                        WeaponName = "Of the Wolf";
                   case 3:
                        WeaponName = "Of the Bird";
                   case 4: 
                        WeaponName = "Of the Monkey";
                   case 5: 
                        WeaponName = "Of the Scorpid";
                   case 6:
                        WeaponName = "Of the Wise";                    
                   case 7:
                        WeaponName = "Of the Mystics";
                   case 8:
                        WeaponName = "Of the Devine";
                  case 9:
                        WeaponName = "Of the Earth";
                   case 10:
                        WeaponName = "Of the Brute";
                   case 11: //might
                        WeaponName = "Of Might";
                   case 12://wisdom
                        WeaponName = "Of Wisdom";                    
                   case 13://gods
                        WeaponName = "Of the Gods";
                        WeaponName = "Glowing Weapon";
                        cout <<WeaponName;
    int Weapons::getWeaponStats()
        if (WeaponType == "Sword" || 
            WeaponType == "Mace" || 
            WeaponType == "Dagger" || 
            WeaponType == "Axe" || 
            WeaponType == "Club" || 
            WeaponType == "Staff" || 
            WeaponType == "Wand" && 
            WeaponValue == "Normal" && 
    Clvl <= 3)
           WeaponStats = 0;
           WeaponDamage = (Clvl * WeaponLevel) + Str; 
           WeaponDurability = 1 + rand() % 20;
        if (WeaponType == "Sword" && WeaponValue == "Normal" && Clvl <= 5)
           WeaponStats = 0;
           WeaponDamage = (Clvl * WeaponLevel) + Str;
           WeaponDurability = 1 + rand() % 30;
        if (WeaponType == "Sword" && WeaponValue == "Normal" && Clvl <= 10)
           WeaponStats = 0;
           WeaponDamage = (Clvl * WeaponLevel) + Str; 
           WeaponDurability = 1 + rand() % 50;
           int getMagicStats(string WeaponType, string WeaponValue, string WeaponName);              
           WeaponDamage = 1 + (rand() % 10) - Clvl; 
           WeaponDurability = 1 + rand() % 20;
    int Weapons::getMagicStats()
        int x; //random variable to create random numbers
        int y; //random variable to decide stat
        int z; //random variable to decide number of a single stat
        if (WeaponValue == "Magical")
                        WeaponDamage = (Clvl * WeaponLevel) + Str;
                        WeaponDurability = Clvl * WeaponLevel;
        if (WeaponValue == "Magical")
           if (WeaponName == "Of the Bear") // +str(lots), +hp(lots) and small amount of +agi(small) 
            int x;
            x = 1 + rand() % 8; //Number of stats
            switch (x){
    	           case 1:
    		            WeaponMod1 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    	           case 2:
    		            WeaponMod1 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod2 = Clvl * 3 * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                  case 3: 
    		           WeaponMod1 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                       WeaponMod2 = Clvl * 4 * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		           WeaponMod4 = Clvl + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod1 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
           if (WeaponName == "Of the Wolf") // +str(small), +hp(small) and +agi(lots) 
            int x;
            x = 1 + rand() % 8; //Number of stats
            switch (x){
    	           case 1:
                        if (Clvl == 1)
    		            WeaponMod1 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            if (Clvl >= 2)
    		            WeaponMod1 = (Clvl / 2) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    	           case 2:
    		            if (Clvl == 1)
    		            WeaponMod1 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            if (Clvl >= 2)
    		            WeaponMod1 = (Clvl / 2) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod2 = Clvl * 2 * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                  case 3: 
    		           if (Clvl == 1)
    		              WeaponMod1 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		           if (Clvl >= 2)
    		              WeaponMod1 = (Clvl / 2) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                       WeaponMod2 = (Clvl * 2) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		           WeaponMod4 = (Clvl * 3) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod4 = (Clvl * 3) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
           if (WeaponName == "Of the Bird") // +hp(very small) +mp(small) +agi(lots)
            int x;
            x = 1 + rand() % 8; //Number of stats
            switch (x){
    	           case 1:
                        WeaponMod2 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    	           case 2:
    		            WeaponMod2 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod3 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                  case 3: 
    		           WeaponMod2 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                       WeaponMod3 = (Clvl * 2) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		           WeaponMod4 = (Clvl * 3) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod4 = (Clvl * 2) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
           if (WeaponName == "Of the Monkey") // +hp's(very small) +agi(very much) 
            int x;
            x = 1 + rand() % 8; //Number of stats
            switch (x){
    	           case 1:
                        WeaponMod2 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    	           case 2:
    		            WeaponMod2 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod4 = (Clvl * 6) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod4 = (Clvl * 4) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
            if (WeaponName == "Of the Scorpid") // +hp(very small) +agi(small) +armor(lots)
            int x;
            x = 1 + rand() % 8; //Number of stats
            switch (x){
    	           case 1:
                        WeaponMod2 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    	           case 2:
    		            WeaponMod2 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod4 = (Clvl * 2) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                  case 3: 
                        WeaponMod2 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod4 = (Clvl * 2) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod5 = (Clvl * 5) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod5 = (Clvl * 5) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
           if (WeaponName == "Of the Wise") // +hp(very small) +agi(small) +armor(lots)
            int x;
            x = 1 + rand() % 8; //Number of stats
            switch (x){
    	           case 1:
                        WeaponMod3 = (Clvl * 10) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod3 = (Clvl * 5) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
           if (WeaponName == "Of the Mystics") // +hp's(lots) +mp's(small) +agi(small)
            int x;
            x = 1 + rand() % 8; //Number of stats
            switch (x){
    	           case 1:
                        WeaponMod2 = (Clvl * 3) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    	           case 2:
    		            WeaponMod2 = (Clvl * 4) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod3 = (Clvl * 3) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                  case 3: 
                        WeaponMod2 = (Clvl * 4) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod3 = (Clvl * 3) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod4 = (Clvl * 2) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod2 = (Clvl * 4) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod3 = (Clvl * 3) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
           if (WeaponName == "Of the Devine") // +all stats(small)
            int x;
            x = 1 + rand() % 8; //Number of stats
            switch (x){
    	           case 1:
    		            WeaponMod1 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod2 = (Clvl * 2) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod3 = (Clvl * 2) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod4 = (Clvl * 3) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);           
    		            if (Clvl == 1)
    		            WeaponMod1 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            if (Clvl >= 2)
    		            WeaponMod1 = (Clvl / 2) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);  
                        WeaponMod2 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod3 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod4 = (Clvl * 2) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
           if (WeaponName == "Of the Earth") // +hp +armor(lots)
            int x;
            x = 1 + rand() % 8; //Number of stats
            switch (x){
    	           case 1:
    		            WeaponMod2 = (Clvl * 3) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                   case 2:
                        WeaponMod2 = (Clvl * 3) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod5 = (Clvl * 10) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod5 = (Clvl * 5) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
           if (WeaponName == "Of the Brute") // +hp +armor(lots)
            int x;
            x = 1 + rand() % 8; //Number of stats
            switch (x){
    	           case 1:
    		            WeaponMod6 = (Clvl * 5) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                   case 2:
                        WeaponMod6 = (Clvl * 3) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod5 = (Clvl * 5) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod6 = (Clvl * 7) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
           if (WeaponName == "Of Might") // 1str 2hp's 6damage
            int x;
            x = 1 + rand() % 8; //Number of stats
            switch (x){
    	           case 1:
    		            WeaponMod1 = (Clvl * 2) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                   case 2:
                        WeaponMod1 = (Clvl * 2) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod6 = (Clvl * 3) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod6 = (Clvl * 7) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
           if (WeaponName == "Of Wisdom") // hp mp
            int x;
            x = 1 + rand() % 8; //Number of stats
            switch (x){
    	           case 1:
    		            WeaponMod2 = (Clvl * 8) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                   case 2:
                        WeaponMod2 = (Clvl * 5) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod3 = (Clvl * 10) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod2 = (Clvl * 3) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
           if (WeaponName == "Of the Gods") // hp mp
            int x;
            x = 1 + rand() % 8; //Number of stats
            switch (x){
    	           case 1:
                        WeaponMod1 = (Clvl * 2) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod2 = (Clvl * 8) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod3 = (Clvl * 10) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod4 = (Clvl * 4) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod5 = (Clvl * 5) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod6 = (Clvl * 7) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                   case 2:
                        WeaponMod1 = (Clvl * 3) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod2 = (Clvl * 9) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod3 = (Clvl * 11) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod4 = (Clvl * 6) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod5 = (Clvl * 7) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod6 = (Clvl * 8) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
                        WeaponMod1 = (Clvl * 2) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod2 = (Clvl * 5) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod3 = (Clvl * 5) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod4 = (Clvl * 4) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod5 = (Clvl * 5) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    		            WeaponMod6 = (Clvl * 5) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
            }Weapons WepLoot;
    Pardon all the weird placement of some of the text, I had to edit this to get it to fit to the page so it wouldn't be so wide. Its not how I have it in my program. And here is the int main()

    int main()
        int x;
        string blah;
        system ("cls");
        cout <<"Welcome " <<YourName <<" to the Age of Spire!" <<endl;
        cout <<endl;
        cout <<"Do you wish to view the history and backstory?(Y or N)" <<endl;
        getline(cin, blah, '\n');
        if (blah == "y" || blah == "Y")
          cout <<"Story here." <<endl;
          cout <<"Play then." <<endl;
    Knowledge is power and I want it all


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Lot of hard-coding....
    You probably have memory leak. If you have VisualC++, you can download VisualLeakDetector (VLD) here -> .

    ...and make sure that all pointers are deleted when they are not needed.
    NOTE : When you delete pointer, set it to NULL, so it will not point to any memory location.
    int* myPointer;
    delete myPointer;
    myPointer = NULL;
    If you don't want to do all this, you can use smart pointers.
    Instead of :
    int* myPointer;
    delete myPointer;
    myPointer = NULL;
    ... you would write :
    auto_ptr <Type> mySmartPointer;
    Now you don't need to delete that pointer. You need to include <memory> to use smart pointers.
         .J?+.                             ?`+.
       .+1P .++.                         ,+` 4++.
      .+zq\ .:.?i                      .!`?  .yz+.
      ?zdd ..:.^`J.                   ,!..?...Kyz+	
     .+dXM ..!p^.N.+                 ,,^.a..`.#XO+.
     .zwWM ^`.Mc`JMhJ.             .:JF`JM..^.#WOz`
      jwpMr`..NF.JMMM,!           .JMMF.dJ..`JNWrc
       0Wgb `!B:.MMMMM,:         ,.MMMF.j$.` NHSZ`
        TWMp`.+;`MMMMMM.:       ;.MMMMM.;+``JHW=	
          7Mh,``JMMMM"`          .TMMMMb``.H#"`

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Other than it apparently crashes -- it won't work correctly either. You need to put a break line after each of the case statements, the way you have it all the case statements get executed so the variable(s) will have the values of only the last case statement, which will definitely produce unwanted results.

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I'm just guessing but I think you don't want
         if (WeaponType == "Sword" || 
            WeaponType == "Axe" ||
            WeaponType == "Mace" ||
            WeaponType == "Dagger" || 
            WeaponType == "Wand" || 
            WeaponType == "Club" || 
            WeaponType == "Staff" && 
            WeaponValue =="Magical" && 
            WeaponLevel >=3)
    more logical to me would be
         if ((WeaponType == "Sword" || 
             WeaponType == "Axe" ||
             WeaponType == "Mace" ||
             WeaponType == "Dagger" || 
             WeaponType == "Wand" || 
             WeaponType == "Club" || 
             WeaponType == "Staff" ) && ( WeaponValue =="Magical" && WeaponLevel >=3 ))

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I thought that by adding the break; statements it would fix it but it did not .
    Quote Originally Posted by 81N4RY_DR460N
    ...and make sure that all pointers are deleted when they are not needed.
    No pointers were used.
    Knowledge is power and I want it all


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Anyone got any idea's why its doing this? Im kinda lost since I don't get any compile time errors.
    Knowledge is power and I want it all


  7. #7
    carry on JaWiB's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Seattle, WA
    Seems possible to me that there's a divide-by-zero somewhere...

    Where is WeaponLevel initialized? Make sure it isn't set to zero
    "Think not but that I know these things; or think
    I know them not: not therefore am I short
    Of knowing what I ought."
    -John Milton, Paradise Regained (1671)

    "Work hard and it might happen."

  8. #8
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by RealityFusion
    I thought that by adding the break; statements it would fix it but it did not .
    The program absolutely needs those break statements, so even if it does not fix the problem they need to be there.

    I don't see anything in the code you posted that would cause that kind of problem. All that code is using std::string objects and its pretty darned hard to break it. The real problem is pobably someplace else in your program. Is your program using pointers anywhere? Or any of the C-style string functions in string.h (such as strcpy, strcat, sprintf, etc)? All those have potential to cause memory problems if you're not very very careful.

  9. #9
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    Aug 2003
    I haven't gotten around to setting up the weapon level or the Clvl so I just declared Clvl globaly to equal 5 and added the weapon level data member.

    int Weapons::getWeaponLevel()
        WeaponLevel = 5;
    Adding this bit of code didn't solve the problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ancient Dragon
    Is your program using pointers anywhere? Or any of the C-style string functions in string.h (such as strcpy, strcat, sprintf, etc)? All those have potential to cause memory problems if you're not very very careful.
    This program contains 0 pointers and I am not using strcpy, strcat or sprintf.

    EDIT: I uploaded the entire source file, so if anyone has time to look over it I would be most appreciative. I know its asking a lot but I am soo lost and don't even know where to begin to look to solve this problem.
    Last edited by RealityFusion; 09-05-2005 at 06:23 PM.
    Knowledge is power and I want it all


  10. #10
    Deprecated Dae's Avatar
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    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by RealityFusion
    int Weapons::getWeaponLevel()
        WeaponLevel = 5;
    Adding this bit of code didn't solve the problem.
    Shouldnt that "return WeaponLevel;" (and probably not set it to 5, set it to 5 in the constructor).

    EDIT: Nevermind. Youre using the "get" method differently than I'm used to.

    Cant figure out whats causing the exception, its happening at the end of getWeaponType, but it could arise anywhere and just not take effect till there. This doesnt fix it, but you should have your cout outside the switch function BTW:

     switch (x)
            case 1:
                 WeaponValue ="Normal";
            case 2:
                 WeaponValue = "Magical";
            case 3:
                 WeaponValue = "Rare";
            case 4: 
                 WeaponValue = "Unique";
            case 5:
                 WeaponValue = "Epic";
            case 6:
                 WeaponValue = "Legendary";
                 WeaponValue = "Normal";
    cout <<WeaponValue;
    Last edited by Dae; 09-05-2005 at 09:10 PM.
    Warning: Have doubt in anything I post.

    GCC 4.5, Boost 1.40, Code::Blocks 8.02, Ubuntu 9.10 010001000110000101100101

  11. #11
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    I compiled your program with VC++ 6.0 and got a lot of errors because functions failed to return values when function declaration says it is supposed to return them. You must fix the errors before attempting to run any executable that your compiler may produce.

  12. #12
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    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Ancient Dragon
    I compiled your program with VC++ 6.0 and got a lot of errors because functions failed to return values when function declaration says it is supposed to return them. You must fix the errors before attempting to run any executable that your compiler may produce.
    Thats odd, Dev-C++ doesn't give me any errors. Could you post the errors it gave you?
    Knowledge is power and I want it all


  13. #13
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    > I compiled your program with VC++ 6.0 and got a lot of errors
    VC++ 6.0 is now so far removed from the current C++ standard and current practice that it's not really worth worrying about what it considers to be correct code.
    Search the board for further discussions on this topic.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  14. #14
    Registered User hk_mp5kpdw's Avatar
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    1. You should only need to call srand once in your code.

    2. You seem to have a function prototype-ish looking line of code in the function getWeaponStats (towards the bottom of the function code), i.e.:

    int getMagicStats(string WeaponType, string WeaponValue,string WeaponName);
    The arguments for this function differ from the class's own getMagicStats function:

    class Weapons {
            string getWeaponValue(); //Legendary, Epic, unique, rare, magical, normal
            string getWeaponType(); //Sword, mace, staff
            string getWeaponName(); //Name the weapon
            int getWeaponStats(); // damage, +mods and durability
            int getMagicStats();
            int getWeaponLevel(); // level of the weapon
            void whoCanDrop();  //check to see which mobs can drop it
            string WeaponName;
            string WeaponType;
            string WeaponValue;
            int WeaponStats;
            int WeaponDamage;
            int WeaponDurability;
            int WeaponLevel;
            char CanIDropIt;
    What's going on with that?

    3. You are apparently (?) missing some brackets around some code in the getMagicStats function:

    case 3:
        if (Clvl == 1)
            WeaponMod1 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
        if (Clvl >= 2)
            WeaponMod1 = (Clvl / 2) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
            WeaponMod2 = (Clvl * 2) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
            WeaponMod4 = (Clvl * 3) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    Is that supposed to be:
    case 3:
        if (Clvl == 1)
            WeaponMod1 = Clvl * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
        if (Clvl >= 2)
            WeaponMod1 = (Clvl / 2) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
            WeaponMod2 = (Clvl * 2) * (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
            WeaponMod4 = (Clvl * 3) + (1 + rand() % WeaponLevel);
    It's kind of hard to tell your intentions... perhaps there are supposed to be brackets, perhaps not. If your indentation/formatting was better in the post perhaps your intentions would be clearer.

    There are some more places like that in the function for you to find.

    4. You say your program crashes when run but compiles fine but you do not give us a complete program to run? It is impossible for us to run your program since it is incomplete... What types are Clvl, Str, WeaponMod1, WeaponMod2, WeaponMod3, WeaponMod4, WeaponMod5, WeaponMod6 declared as? Where is the code for StartGame, AnyKey? Where is the code for the class constructor?

    5. Your general use/design of the class is odd. Typically, instead of calling the individual member functions as you have to set the variables of the class from within the main function, the member variables would be initialized by a group of "set" functions when the constructor is called, i.e. setWeaponName, setWeaponType, etc... The "get" group of functions would then be one-line functions that simply returned the class member variable in question and would likely be declared as const functions.

    6. What others have already said... breaks need to be added where appropriate, and your functions need to return appropriate values.
    "Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods."
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