Here's what i've done, the output of this program is suppose to have

"w(1234) = 6 Sample set: 1 1 2 2 6 10" this works! however for larger numbers it wont have the correct sample set.

The sample set are the cubes that make up that w(n) number, i can't seem to get the correct answer for larger numbers for e.g.
"W(10000) = 3 Sample set: 10 10 20",

i think its something to do with the int w(int n)
its choosing the wrong m.

Please assist!!

int w(int n, int cubes[], int S[], int T[]);
void printSample(int n,int cubes[],int S[],int T[]);
const int maxCubes = 10; //never more than 9 cubes so 10 is safe
const int maxInput = 16000;
int main()
int n;  // delclaring variables
int cubes[24]; // holds cubes of numbers. max is 24^3 saves recalculation
int S[maxInput];
int T[maxInput];

int i, cube; // initialize cube table
for(i=1;(cube=(i*i*i)) <= maxInput; i++){ // saves all m^3 from 1-11 data
         cubes[i-1] = cube;
    cout << "Enter a non negative integer: " ;
    cin >> n;

    while (n > 0)     // tests for non-negative numbers
    for(i=0; i<=n; i++){ // initialize T and S

       cout << "W(" << n << ") = " << T[n] << " " << "Sample Set:  ";
//       printS(n,S,T);
       cout << endl;
       cout << "Enter a non negative integer: " << endl;
       cin >> n;
    return 0;  // terminates when integer is negative

void printSample(int n,int cubes[],int S[],int T[]){
     if(n == 0)
     cout << " ";
     cout << S[n] + 1;        
// Waring algorithm
int w(int n, int cubes[], int S[],int T[])
   int minValue = maxCubes;
   int m;

    if (n == 0)  
      return 0; 
    else {
        for(m = 0; cubes[(m + 1)] <= n; m++){
           T[n] = 1 + T[n - cubes[m]];
           S[n] = m;
    return T[n];