So I've downloaded a genetic algorithm package that was written in C, and I'm calling it from some C++ code, so I need to use g++ instead of cc. However it seems that I can't use the same tags in g++ as in cc because if I try to compile using g++ I end up getting a whole bunch of "undefined reference" to the functions defined in the package.
Here is the makefile:
# Generated automatically from by configure.                                                                                                                               
CC          = cc
CPPFLAGS    = -I/home/bbare/pga/include -Dlinux -DWL=32 -DFORTRANUNDERSCORE -DOPTIMIZE -DFAKE_MPI
FC          = f77
RM          = /bin/rm -f
LDFLAGS     = -s  -L/home/bbare/pga/lib/linux  -lpgaO  -lm
SHELL       = /bin/sh

#    "$@" expands to the target; "$?" expands to the dependency list                                                                                                                   
CFLAGS      = -o $@ $? $(PRECFLAGS)

LINK.c      = @echo "  Compiling $@" ; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)

        @make classic
        @make dejong
        @make example
        @make maxbit
        @make maxchar
        @make maxint
        @make name
        @make namefull
        @make udtstr

ga_ee: math_utils.cpp calc_subs.cpp EM.cpp EE_utils.cpp In_out.cpp main.cpp

classic: classic.c

dejong: dejong.c

example: example.c

maxbit: maxbit.c

maxchar: maxchar.c

maxint: maxint.c

name: name.c

namefull: namefull.c

udtstr: udtstr.c

        @$(RM) classic dejong example maxbit maxchar maxint name namefull \
               udtstr *.o
If I put g++ as the compiler (CC variable) it won't even compile the .c files correctly (I get the same undefined reference problems, I've also tried mpiCC (because I think its a parallel program) and I don't know the equivalen c++ compiler, but with mpiCC I still get the undefined references to those functions that I don't get if I just use cc. So I'm quite certain its a flag issue, however I thought that the flags were the same.
Thanks for the help