Hello everyone, how do you do?

I do not know where is the error in this code, I am currently working with C++ Builder 6.
C++ Builder marks an error where in the bold letters, this is the following error:
[C++ Error] test.cpp(16): E2139 Declaration missing ;

I do not know what to do !!!
Help please!!!
Regards Reivaj.
#define TABLE_SIZE 128
#define Allocator allocator
template <class Key, class T>
class Hashtable
	typedef Allocator<T> hashtable_allocator;
	typedef typename hashtable_allocator::reference reference;
	typedef typename hashtable_allocator::const_reference const_reference;
	typedef typename hashtable_allocator::pointer iterator;
	typedef typename hashtable_allocator::const_pointer const_iterator;
	typedef typename hashtable_allocator::size_type size_type;
	typedef typename hashtable_allocator::difference_type difference_type;
	typedef typename T value_type;
	typedef typename Key key_type;
	float loadFactor;
	size_t size, numItems, thresold;
	Allocator<T> the_allocator;
	iterator start, finish, end_of_storage;
	inline unsigned hashValue(unsigned key)
	 return (31*key)%size;
	inline unsigned hashValue(unsigned long key)
	 return hashValue( reinterpret_cast<unsigned>(key) );
	inline unsigned hashValue(float key)
	 unsigned *keyRef = reinterpret_cast<unsigned*>(&key);
	 bitset<32> bits(*keyRef);
	 return hashValue( bits.to_ulong() );
	inline unsigned hashValue(double key)
	 unsigned *keyRef = reinterpret_cast<unsigned*>(&key);
	 bitset<32> lsBits(*keyRef);
	 bitset<32> msBits(*(++keyRef));
	 lsBits ^= msBits;
	 return hashValue( lsBits.to_ulong() );
	inline unsigned hashValue(string key)
	 unsigned h=0;
	 size_t len = key.length();
	 for(unsigned i=0; i<len; i++)
		h = 31*h + key[i];
	 return h%size;
	inline unsigned hashValue(key_type key)
	 return hashValue( reinterpret_cast<unsigned>(&key) );
	explicit Hashtable(size_t size, float loadFactor)
	 this->size = size > 0 ? size:TABLE_SIZE;
	 this->loadFactor = loadFactor;
	 this->thresold = this->size * this->loadFactor;
	 this->numItems = 0;
	 start = the_allocator.allocate(this->size);
	 T value;
	 uninitialized_fill_n(start, this->size, value);
	 finish = start + this->size;
	 end_of_storage = finish;
	explicit Hashtable(size_t size)
	 this( size, 0.75 );
	Hashtable(const Hashtable<T>& t)
	 this->size = t.size;
	 this->loadFactor = t.loadFactor;
	 this->thresold = t.thresold;
	 this->numItems = t.numItems;
	 this->start = this->the_allocator.allocate(t.finish - t.start);
	 uninitialized_copy(t.start, t.finish, this->start);
	 this->end_of_storage = this->finish;
	 destroy(start, finish);
	iterator begin(){ return start; }
	const_iterator begin() const { return start; }
	iterator end(){ return finish; }
	const_iterator end() const { return finish; }