I just started learning loops and stuff and I am in need of help! I have this ATM program that is all messed up and I have no idea how to fix it. The program asks for first name, last name, account number, statement balance, outstanding deposits and outstanding withdrawls. Then it calculates and shows the result. Then it asks if they would rather print out the screen, or print to a textfile (print to textfile is default for this). If it helps, I use dev C++. Anyone please look at my code and help me out! Thanks a whole bunch.

//This program written by Dan Kemper
//This program will balance your checkbook and print the results to a textfile named "checkbook.txt" or print the scrren to your printer
//Suggestions and other comments can be sent to my email: [email protected]

# include <iostream.h>
# include <fstream.h>
# include <iomanip.h>
# include <conio.h>

int main ()
   //Declares variables
   char FirstName[20];
   char LastName[30];
   char Account[9];
   int PrintStatement;
   float Balance;
   float Deposits;
   float Withdrawls;
   float NewBalance;

   //Makes Textfile
   ofstream outfile ("checkbook.txt");
   //Outputs to screen
   cout << "       AAA         TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT  MMMMM             MMMMM\n";
   cout << "      AAAAA        TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT  MMMMMM           MMMMMM\n";
   cout << "     AAA AAA            TTTTTT      MMM MMM         MMM MMM\n";
   cout << "    AAA   AAA           TTTTTT      MMM  MMM       MMM  MMM\n";
   cout << "   AAAAAAAAAAA          TTTTTT      MMM   MMM     MMM   MMM\n";
   cout << "  AAAAAAAAAAAAA         TTTTTT      MMM    MMM   MMM    MMM\n";
   cout << " AAA         AAA        TTTTTT      MMM     MMM MMM     MMM\n";
   cout << "AAA           AAA       TTTTTT      MMM      MMMMM      MMM\n";
   cout << "\n\nThis program balances your checkbook.\n\n";
   cout << "First Name: ";

   //Asks user for input
   cin.get(FirstName, 20);
   cin.ignore(80, '\n');
   cout << "Last Name: ";
   cin.get(LastName, 30);
   cin.ignore(80, '\n');
   cout << "Account number: ";
   cin.get(Account, 9);
   cin.ignore(80, '\n');
   cout << "\n\nStatement balance: ";
   cin >> Balance;
   cout << "\nOutstanding deposits: ";
   cin >> Deposits;
   cout << "\nOutstanding withdrawls: ";
   cin >> Withdrawls;

   NewBalance = Balance + Deposits - Withdrawls;

   //Output Results
   cout << "\nNew balance: ";
   cout << setiosflags (ios::fixed) << setprecision(2) << NewBalance;
   cout << "\n\nPrint? (Y/N)\n";
   cin >> PrintStatement;
      while (PrintStatement=='y' || PrintStatement=='Y')
      cout << "Thank You!";
      getch ();
      return 0;
      cout << "Thank You! You may see your statement in a textfile named 'checkbook.txt'.";

   //Prints to Textfile
   outfile << "Name: " << FirstName << " " << LastName << "\n";
   outfile << "Account Number: " << Account << "\n";
   outfile << "Statement Balance: " << Balance << "\n";
   outfile << "Outstanding Deposits: " << Deposits << "\n";
   outfile << "Outstanding Withdrawls: " << Withdrawls << "\n";
   outfile << "New Balance: " << setiosflags (ios::fixed) << setprecision(2) << NewBalance;

   //Stops program until button is pressed
   return 0;