I know how to search a list and dispaly that specific instants of the list but I don't know how to search a list with in a list and display a specific instants of the list within both lists. Hmmm did that make sense. Anyways, hear is what I have
		string find;

		cout <<"\tEnter name of Artist you want to find " << endl;
		cout <<"\t               WARNING                " << endl;
		cout <<"\t     THIS SEARCH IS CASE SENSITIVE    " << endl;
		cout <<"Enter name of Artist now : " << flush;
		cin >> find;
	list<Artist>::iterator aiter ;
	list<CdInfo>::iterator citer ;
		for(aiter = myArtist.begin(); aiter != myArtist.end(); iater++)
			for(citer = myCdInfo.begin(); citer != myCdInfo.end(); citer++)
				if ((*iter).getArtBandName() == find)
					cout << endl << "You have just found : " << (*aiter).getArtBandName() << endl;
My goal hear is to loop through the artist list and then search for the CD that goes with that artist. Then I want to be able to display that information back to the user. For example, the user enters the artist name AAAA. The program searches for AAAA and displays AAAA and the CD that goes with AAAA. If you need more information tell me. Any advice would help.
